
Six people I'm more famous than even though you've never heard of me, by Doja Cat

YOU’VE heard her songs without realising and asked ‘which one’s that?’ at the Met Gala, but Doja Cat is far more famous than those you consider A-list celebrities.

This week in Mash History: Henry VIII sits through a really boring mass, 1528

THE schism between England and the Catholic Church, widely considered the Brexit of the 16th century, decided our future for centuries.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Keep your neighbours guessing about your stance on the Royals by serving them a beautiful dish of Coronation swan.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... top punk monarchist Nick cocking Cave

WAKING in a cell at Scotland Yard, under armed guard and being ordered to reliquish the neck of a broken bottle in my hand, I recall what led me here.

'This is King Charles, just calling to say you won't be needed at the Coronation.' 'I know it’s you, Boris,' I reply

THE call comes from his mobile number. He doesn’t bother to disguise his voice. And still he’s surprised to be called on his lie.

Mad Men: was it overhyped shit that did nothing but inspire Don Draper wannabe dickheads?

WHAT was Mad Men? It was the moment before you needed to binge-watch more episodes of Mad Men. Also it was overrated shite.

Let's move to a drugs-and-knife-crime hellhole masquerading as magical Harry Potter dreamland! This week: Gloucester

Gloucester’s pretty historical though that's of less interest to most visitors than the inside of the cathedral, built in the 14th century and filmed in the 20th as various parts of Hogwarts. Yeah.

How to create a sex playlist that will put you both right off, by the Mash sex columnist

IF music be the food of love, then why not fill her ears as well as all the other orifices? But just as in sex, one wrong chord and the moment’s dead.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Oh what, so you’re being crowned King are you? And I suppose you think that means you’re better than me?

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... throwing the BBC's chair through the BBC's window

WAKING on a beach on the east coast, surrounded by rum bottles and an empty can of petrol, I recall the events of the evening prior.