
Let's move to a desert of money, oil, glass buildings and influencers! This week: Dubai

The high-glitz, high-glamour city of Dubai opens its arms to foreigners of any race, religion and nationality so long as they represent economic value.

'You seem to have made a blonde a lady?' I say. 'That was no lady, that was my – actually better not,' Boris replies

I REMEMBER Charlotte Owen, or do I? Interchangeable Home Counties blonde? Now mysteriously a peer for life aged 30 or possibly 29? ‘Explain,’ I say.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

I’m on the seagull diet. Every time I ‘see’ a ‘gull’ I smash my face into the chips you’re holding.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the vile emissions of Chris cocking Martin

WAKING up in Lambeth prison, my customary Friday berth, I slake the thirst I have built up by drinking a bucket of my own urine in one draught.

'I get it, I get it,' says Biden, smiling broadly. 'You're not Rashee Sanook! You yourself are the AI!'

I WAS expounding for the third time on Britain’s readiness to become the world’s AI hub when Biden says, ‘Oh, I get what’s going on here. You’re a goddamned robot!’

Entrails boiled in a sodding sheep's stomach?: The gammon food critic's Scottish road trip

Letting Scotland call itself a country is like letting your daughter be a goth: regrettable,  indulgent, a bit pathetic but ultimately doesn’t do anyone any lasting harm.

The very worst places to hide your sex toys, with the Mash sex columnist

YOU get one, then an upgrade, then a quick-and-easy handbag-sized one for dates, and suddenly you’ve got a whole battalion of sex toys doing the grunt work for you.

My six facial expressions, by Vin Diesel

FAST & Furious star Vin Diesel has more hit movies than he has facial expressions, but only if you count all the F&F films separately. Otherwise it’s fewer.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Get real, if there were people riding round cities with big green cubes on their backs in a videogame you’d totally smash them for energy.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the rock arseholery of Royal Blood

WAKING in my bedchamber with an unaccountable headache, I sweep away the empty bottles with a shattering swish of the duvet and attend immediately to my correspondence.