By Abigail Pennson, our reasonable, plain-speaking middle-class columnist who believes Sadiq Khan has it in for her personally
BANKING is woke. Business is woke. Your smartphone is woke and broadcasting everything you say to woke censors. Only Nigel can save us now.
I tried to deny it for years. My bank, the solid NatWest, in the hands of radical Marxists set on destroying Western values to revive the zombie corpse of communism? They didn’t seem like that when I was paying a cheque in, I joked.
Wilfully blind, I deluded myself that British Gas was an energy provider, not a climate change zealot. That the Nationwide Building Society was a lender, not a brutal enforcer of rainbow confirmity. That Tesco was a retailer, not a policeman.
No longer. Nigel Farage, the perpetual outsider, the serial tearer-of-scales-from-eyes, the only honest man left in Britain, has done it again. By being denied his account at Coutts he has exposed the whole woke business sector for decadent, drug-addled activists.
We now know why they refused to back the common-sense, kitchen-table economics of Liz Truss. Why they were determined to see Boris defenestrated even when Britons took to the streets in their tens of millions to stop them, not that the media reported it.
The rot goes right to the top. Every bank, every blue-chip business, every institution in Britain has been taken over by these pod people. If they have infected even the Queen’s bank, how can it be seriously doubted?
The solution? Staring us right in the face. Don’t give Farage an account. Give him the bank.
Full ownership of NatWest. Full control of its funds, handed to the Saviour of Brexit. Full licence to operate however he likes exempt from all our petty, risk-averse regulations.
Within a year? Wokeness will be on the run. Within two? The Tories re-elected, but in no doubt about where the true power lies. Within a decade? Britain rules an Empire again.
Give it to Nigel. Give our whole damn country to Nigel. After the unspeakable insult of closing his account he deserves it.