
Ed Miliband is unpaid intern

LABOUR leader Ed Miliband is still technically on work experience and has yet to receive a wage.

UKIP attracting Labour voters 'who are alienated and really gullible'

UKIP is attracting thousands of Labour voters who have rejected mainstream politics and rational thought.

UKIP MP strangely familiar

VOTERS have got the feeling they have seen UKIP's first MP somewhere before.

Lib Dem conference has ambience of a porno cinema

THE Liberal Democrat conference has recreated the sleazy atmosphere of an old-fashioned adult movie cinema.

Does ‘extremists’ include Russell Brand? asks everyone

BRITAIN will accept diminished civil rights if it means less Russell Brand on the television, it has emerged.

Duncan Smith ahead in f**king stupid ideas sweepstake

IAIN Duncan Smith is tipped to win a bet on who can come up with the most idiotic idea at the Tory conference.

Tories target ordinary working bastards

THE Conservatives are to reach out to Britain’s everyday bastard-in-the-street.

Labour conference to keep happening until somebody notices

THE Labour Party conference is to be repeated until more than a handful of people pay attention.

Scottish Parliament legalises hunting of 'No' voters

SCOTLAND is to relax restrictions on the hunting of anyone who voted 'No'.

Miliband unveils imaginary working class friend

ED Miliband has introduced Britain to ‘Keith’, his invisible working class friend.