
I have a ten-second memory, Pickles repeatedly tells press

ERIC Pickles has admitted his memory only goes back a fraction of a minute.

Crow and Johnson 'will succumb to sexual tension'

BOB Crow and Boris Johnson will soon succumb to the sexual tension between them, according to ACAS.

I had sex with a woman, says Miliband

LABOUR leader Ed Miliband has claimed to have done it with a girl.

Labour leadership reform 'will prevent Milibands'

LABOUR is to change the way it elects its leader in the hope it will result in the election of a leader.

Recession preferable to smug Osborne

GRINDING financial hardship is preferable to seeing George Osborne looking pleased with himself, Britons have decided.

Tony Blair just won't f*ck off

FORMER Prime Minister Tony Blair is stubbornly refusing to let Britain move on.

Rennard scandal could hopefully destroy Lib Dems

THE scandal surrounding Lord Rennard could bring an end to the Lib Dems, it was hoped last night.

Women ‘should be banned’

WOMEN are too much trouble and should be banned, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has claimed.

Earth's crust full of Romanians, says Cameron

DAVID Cameron has urged voters to embrace fracking as a way of flushing Romanians out of the ground.

Michael Gove's history lesson

MR GOVE corrects your misconceptions about everything that has ever happened.