Reform suffering consequences of all being mad bastards

A SCHISM in Reform UK is the inescapable consequence of running a party entirely composed of frothing mad f**kwits, its leader has admitted. 

Nigel Farage, who only sought to retain complete control of the party in every detail, is facing a rebellion from Rupert Lowe on the grounds that he is far more insane and has policies that are even more unworkably right-wing.

Farage said: “Oh dear. This is what comes of only attracting the creme de la bugf**k to your political project.

“Rupert’s just the first to crack, basking as he is in the temporary favour of a mental billionaire threatening to cripple countries on a whim. A blessing from such high-level lunacy is bound to trigger a little episode.

“Naturally our response was perfectly in line with even his most paranoid fantasies: framing him with bullying accusations, calling the police and I hope to have him committed to an asylum within the week.

“But with luminaries like Lee Anderson and Richard Tice on board, this won’t be the first MP I have to muzzle like a rabid dog when they drift so far right they praise Genghis Khan as a great unifier. This is the problem. You can always be more extreme.”

He added: “Of course, none of our MPs even approaches the towering derangement of our voters, God bless ‘em. Never be alone in a room with them.”

We're not mentioning salary because we know you're above that, says job advert

EMPLOYERS advertising for new staff have confirmed they do not post salaries because prospective employees are beyond such petty considerations. 

Businesses agree that any discussion of money is vulgar and very much a background consideration for interviewees chasing fulfilment, satisfaction, and fresh challenges.

Manager Tom Logan said: “We know that the last thing motivating our staff – sorry, our ambassadors of the brand vision – is pay.

“Rather, it’s our values, corporate strategy and commitment to sustainability in industrial flange-manufacture that draws them in. Or at least that’s the feedback I’m getting from interview after interview and from our annual formal reviews.

“So we put ‘competitive’ on the ad, just to let them know they’ll get financial recompense even if positive reinforcement is far more important. And only after the CV drop, panel interviews, timed task, role-play and situational judgement test do we mention the low, low number.

“I find it helps weed out those not truly devoted to strategically leveraging detail-oriented data managed acumen to drive operational efficiency.”

Recruiter Francesca Ryan said: “It’s rude to ask about pay at the interview, when accepting the job, when employed or when chasing promotion. And you don’t want to be rude.”