MILLIONS of Britons are physically exhausted after spending what feels like decades arguing with people who do not understand anything.
THE appointment of a new prime minister 14 months after it barely elected a different one has Britain once again marvelling at democracy.
A MAN who voted to leave the EU because it is corrupt believes an unfeasibly large number of people and institutions are dishonest.
A WOMAN believes popular brands of sportswear such as Adidas and Nike are designer clothing.
A MAN moving to London cannot wait to drop the best part of a fiver on a cup of tea.
A MAN has explained to his wife that fathering a child with his sister-in-law 'was the right decision at the time'.
A MAN’S excuses for problems clearly caused by Brexit are getting increasingly desperate.
A MAN who blames ‘baby boomers’ for everything is starting to sound like a racist, people have noticed.
'BREXITEER' is the most ridiculous English word yet created, experts have confirmed.
BRITONS have been inspired to just abandon what they were doing and f**k off.