Look at your phone while everyone kisses: How to survive NYE while single

THERE are worse times to be alone; March to June 2020 was f**king rough, for example. But New Year’s Eve is a hard time for the single man or woman. This is how to survive: 


There’s no time period on pre-drinks. They can begin at 10am if you want and, if you’re going to a small gathering with eight friends all of whom are coupled up, they should. ‘I’m too drunk to be in a relationship’ is always a valid excuse.

Look into single activities

It’s never too late to rock up at singles’ paintballing or beginner salsa, unless you start looking at 1pm on NYE. Then it is too late. Instead, think about activities you can do alone, like a hike through hills, dancing like nobody is watching, or frenziedly masturbating in front of the telly. Then do the last one because it’s one thing couples definitely can’t do.

Join a larger group

Using intoxication as camouflage, mingle in a bar and when a big group of noticeably pissed people arrives, get in the middle of them. Ask a few people what they’re drinking and get a tray of sambucas regardless. You’re now their friend. Leave your old life behind without regret.

Dodge the kiss

In days past, the dreaded post-midnight kiss was your Pernod-reeking granny. Now it has to be your one, true beloved, or at least someone you’ve been seeing for a fortnight. Ignore this dastardly Americanism clearly designed to force everyone into capitalist conformity and pretend to have received an important text. From your mum. Reading ‘Happy New Year!’

Get off with someone later

Now that meaning-freighted New Year kiss is out of the way, you’re free to snog someone entirely unsuitable who you’ve no intention of ever seeing again. This demonstrates to everyone what a free spirit you are, and that you make poor choices.

Get back on the apps

Really? Honestly? It’s all the horrible hungover seeking to get back at partners for New Year drama. Settle in for another year alone.

'For the love of Christ, play with your new toys' child told

A CHILD complaining of boredom has been handed the ultimate slapdown with a suggestion he play with his new toys though it is the last thing he wants to do. 

Eight-year-old Jack Browne, who received Connetix magnetic tiles, a Hexbug wall-crawling gecko, 3D printing pens, a GrossMos flying dino, a Tricks n’ Twists marble tracks, a Furby and Moana Lego three days ago, told his parents he had nothing to do.

He continued: “And of course they say ‘Why not play with your new toys?’ as if that wasn’t the most predictable answer possible. As if I hadn’t already thought of that and rejected it.

“They even picked them up and waved them towards me, like I was struggling with object permanence. Er no, I know those toys are there, I’ll play with them in the fullness of time. But right now I’m chasing an alternative and I’m looking right at you.”

Mother Annie Browne said: “For f**k’s f**king sake, son. You’ve got shitloads. You asked for them. You have free time to enjoy them. Which part of this equation is eluding you?

“Don’t give me that shit about wanting to spend family time together, I was a child once. It’s bollocks. You’re just chasing the Christmas high in the hope there’s an even bigger Nerf gun we’ve forgotten about in the loft.

“There isn’t. Christmas is disappointing. Get used to it.”