BRITONS are being flown home from a Gambia teetering on the edge of war to Britain, which is marginally more stable for the time being.
Gambian president Yahya Jammer has declared a state of emergency to avoid handing over power after losing an election, events which are not expected to take place in Britain for another 18 months.
Holidaymaker Norman Steele said: “I arrived a week ago and found a country divided in two, each regarding the other as sworn enemies with no legitimate claim to government, so it was a proper home from home.
“But recently, amid lovely, familiar press insistence that democratic institutions should bend to the will of a ‘people’ they claim to represent, I did notice things becoming just a little bit worse than in Colchester.
“So we’ve reluctantly agreed to fly back, but we’re holding onto our Gambian dalasis because it’ll be useful to have a hard currency available.”
Thomas Cook has confirmed that it will continue to monitor the situation in the UK and will keep aircraft on standby to evacuate citizens to the Gambia if necessary.