A WOMAN who often despairs at the state of the world finds comfort in the fact that she never has to do PE again.
A COUPLE who would take anything going for at least a decade now refuse to have any ‘harmful’ chemicals in their house.
A YOGA mat has celebrated its fifth anniversary of being bought then stuck immediately behind the sofa.
A WOMAN is too busy marvelling at her ability to create actual human beings to worry about restoring ‘pre-baby body’, she has confirmed.
DOCTORS have recommended dropping ecstacy this evening to leave yourself plenty of time for a leisurely recovery.
THE news that cycling cuts the risk of cancer by half has given cyclists another reason to be insufferably smug, it has emerged.
A 27-YEAR-OLD man is either in profound despair over the chaos, injustice and insanity of the world today, or just hungry.
A WOMAN who recently took up meditation cannot tell if she has reached a higher spiritual plane or is just incredibly bored.
AN OFFICE worker has announced that she would rather not consider the amount of coffee she drinks in pints because it would sound rather grim.
SUPERMARKET customers cannot grasp hygiene concepts such as not manhandling bread then putting it back on the shelf, it has emerged.