AFTER their surprise victory against England, the Dutch have admitted they had better invent a word for cricket if they are going to play it for a second time.
According to the interim Netherlands Association for Balls and Bats, early favourites are ‘kriijket’, ‘krikkendam’ and ‘van der krikkenhooffen’.
A spokesman said: “Hey, crazy game, yes? We hit the ball, we catch the ball. It’s all good. So, do we win some points for hitting it into the crowd again?”
He added: “We really like ‘googly’. It’s a funny word and a funny game. I mean, it’s not like you are taking it seriously.”
Holland secured their surprise victory in the last over after England’s Stuart Broad experimented with a new form of fielding that did not involve the use of thumbs.
The ECB said the English squad reported feeling ‘odd’ before the game, after eating a basket of complimentary muffins sent by the Dutch side.
A spokesman added: “By the coin toss, half of them were discussing what an amazing colour James Foster’s car was and the other half were still in the pavilion, mesmerised by a SpongeBob SquarePants DVD.”
The spokesman warned that following the defeat this year’s Ashes series against Australia may have to be cancelled, adding: “At this rate somebody could end up getting killed.”