What you do for a living versus what your mum tells people you do
YOU’VE got an important and interesting job which your mum can’t get her head round. Here’s what you actually do, compared to what she tells people you do:
Your job: Head of data analytics
She says: ‘Something about computers’
Your job: Risk analyst
She says: ‘Fiddles around with spreadsheets’
Your job: Building contractor
She says: ‘Bricklayer’
Your job: User interface designer
She says: ‘Website thingies’
Your job: Video game development
She says: ‘Sits around playing on the SNES’
Your job: Reference specialist at the British Library
She says: ‘Stamps books’
Your job: Successful influencer
She says: ‘Makes silly videos’
Your job: Regional manager for popular chain of pubs
She says: ‘Barmaid’
Your Job: Laboratory technician
She says: ‘Basically a doctor’
Your job: Cyber security analyst
She says: ‘IT’
Your job: Cyber security analyst at GCHQ
She says: ‘Fancy IT’
Your job: Geographical information manager for national bus company
She says: ‘He cut the bus route to Tuesday bingo’
Your job: Bin man
She says: ‘Very important job at the council’
Your job: McDonalds line cook
She says: ‘Chef’
Your job: Digital consultant
She says: ‘Facebook’
Your job: Communications specialist
She says: ‘Gabbing on the phone a lot. Never rings me, though’
Your job: Backend specialist
She says: ‘Are you sure it’s not pornography?’
Your job: Writer
She says: ‘Unemployed waste of space’