PRIME Minister Gordon Brown hit back at his critics yesterday insisting floods, terrorism, terrorism, foot and mouth, floods.
Mr Brown said his decision not to lose an election floods, terrorism, floods, was taken in the country's best foot and mouth interests.
The Prime Minister told an insolent Downing Street terrorism press conference: "Crisis, economy, strong, terror, foot and mouth, flood, terror. No I didn't."
Showing how he would drown a terrorist in a flood, he shouted: "Stability! Northern Rock! Ned Sherrin! Bluetongue! Bluetongue! Bluetongue!"
Mr Brown later promised to bring home British troops so they could help him terrorise foot and mouth adding: "Vision, threats, vision, decisive, vision, economy, decisive terrifying octopus."
Insisting the fat, noisy journalists were wrong, he said: "My decisive weekend floods. Stable foot and mouth leadership agenda. Terrorise Douglas Alexander gonads."
The Prime Minister also unveiled plans to flood the House of Commons and make all major policy announcements via BBC1's Andrew Marr Reads the Papers.