AMERICA is wondering if it should invade Iraq to prevent the country from descending into a bloody civil war.
THE fact that most young people would struggle to cope in World War Two may not be a problem, it has emerged.
THE army has developed new weapons exploiting the food intolerances of enemy soldiers.
THE coming world war which will devastate 90 per cent of the planet can't settle on where to begin.
GOVERNMENT forces have fallen back from positions in Swindon and Wiltshire, abandoning the town to the Badger Army.
PRESIDENT Obama has announced sanctions against Russia which include a ban on the season finale of True Detective.
BRITAIN’S historical battle re-enactors have volunteered their services for the forthcoming Crimean war.
BRITAIN'S surveillance agency has revealed plans to gather more data on naturally buxom females.
THE parallels with the First World War are totally doing a historian’s head in, it has been confirmed.
The makers of Angry Birds have admitted that the game is a virtual training camp for militant Islam.