
Poetry, and four other things people pretend to be into to get laid

SUCCESSFULLY appearing attractive is impossible by just being yourself. Pretending to like these things will make you more shaggable.

Woman can't be arsed with eating outside if it's only with her boyfriend

A WOMAN cannot be bothered to sit in the cold outside a restaurant now that restrictions have lifted if the only person eating with her is her boyfriend.

Five social media posts that show you're not getting any sex

IN a long-term relationship, trying not to think about how little sex you're having? Unfortunately, you're giving yourself away online.

'Small human' and other nicknames twats give their kids

YES, they are technically humans who are small, but it’s still a bloody stupid and twee thing to call kids. Here are the most annoying nicknames for children used by parents.

Six people you're not allowed to find attractive

ALL'S fair in love and war, right? No. Because if you fancy the wrong person you are a terrible individual or even a pervert. So under no circumstances fancy these people.

The five best household chores to do so your partner gets the shit ones

WANT to skive off household chores? Do these just-about-tolerable ones to show you’re doing your bit while your partner gets stuck with properly shit tasks.

Five unbearable TV couples

LOVE TV, but hate the smug couples you’re supposed to root for? Here are five awful pairings to inspire you never to find love.

How to tell if you're the seventh-most-liked friend

NO calls to hang out this week? Don’t panic, your friends don’t hate you, you might be just outside everyone’s rule of six by being seventh on the list.

Couple don't realise they are having two entirely separate conversations

A married couple are having two entirely separate conversations without realising it.

How to land your dream short, bald guy

ARE you a gorgeous woman who dreams of nabbing your very own Danny DeVito?