
Which type of contraception will ruin sex most for you?

YOU’VE achieved the unachievable, defied the limitations of your body and personality and found someone willing to f**k you regularly. Well done.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Would you break a bufferfly on a wheel? No. No, in fact you can’t imagine how that logistically would be achieved.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... King twatting Charles the Third

WAKING in a chair in a TV studio I realise with a start that I am seated opposite a grotesque gargoyle that is, I soon surmise, an open-mouthed Piers Morgan.

'Why does nobody like me even though I fixed Brexit?' I asked. 'Do you hug the man who mended the toilet?' my wife answered

IT’S a diplomatic triumph. Ursula from the EU said so. ‘Well done,’ my wife says. ‘You mended the thing that everybody bloody hates.’

Like Nando's with drug cartels: The gammon food critic goes Mexican

NEVER trust a Mexican, my uncle used to tell me, and he was a cocaine importer so knew of what he spoke. He’s still serving time at Winson Green for ignoring his own advice.

Let’s move to radical left-wing as-expensive-as-London by the sea! This week: Brighton

Nestled away on the south coast and ready to form its own separatist state the moment the revolution comes, Brighton is a progressive utopia that couldn’t be more embarrassed by its parent country.

The Matrix: cyberpunk masterpiece or edgelord twat Bible?

THE Matrix: literate, postmodern action movie or portentous load of shit that spawned an incomprehensible franchise? Was it shite the whole time?

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Save money by buying fewer Faberge eggs.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... that dickhead Stanley Johnson

WAKING in a small boat in English waters beside a slumbering Suella Braverman, surrounded by empty gin bottles, I recollect how I arrived at my present pass.

My hard, diligent work has fixed Johnson's broken Brexit deal. He tells me I can shove it up my arse

IT’S taken months of tough negotiation to fix the broken Northern Ireland protocol. Boris doesn’t care. ‘Shove your tawdry compromise up there sideways,’ he suggests.