
Man in his 40s still dicking about with his hair

A MAN is still experimenting with fashionable hairstyles despite reaching the age where it is pointless.

Parents avoid hassle of going to theme park by emptying wallets into bog

AN ingenious couple have saved themselves a whole day of queuing at Thorpe Park by just emptying their wallets into the toilet.

The no-nonsense Northerner's guide to spiritual wellbeing

‘WELLNESS’ is one of the buzzwords of the moment. Here straight-talking Northerner Roy Hobbs gives his advice on improving your spiritual health.

Life coaching basically rent-a-friend, life coaches confirm

LIFE coaching is essentially renting a friend, life coaches have confirmed.

Posh wankers begin planning baffling skiing trips

AS winter approaches, posh tossers have begun planning their annual skiing trips involving weird things normal people never do.

People who don't really know each other cram into group selfie like they're best mates

A GROUP of people unsure of each others’ names have leaned together, grinning and giving wild hand gestures, as if they are the best friends in the world for a photo.

We're homeschooling our children, say parents who believe homeopathy is medicine

A COUPLE who believe homeopathy is better than Western medicine are to teach their children everything they need to know about the world.

The bellend's guide to ruining conversations

ARE you the sort of twat who likes to hijack conversations or stop other people joining in? Here are some tips for ruining any pleasant chat.

Judgmental dads secretly jealous of lazy arsehole dad

A GROUP of committed fathers who love to judge rival parents are all privately jealous of the father who does absolutely nothing, they have admitted.

Things described as 'rustic' generally shit

THINGS that are old, tatty or just total crap are being made to sound desirable by describing them as ‘rustic’.