
Let's move to a city heaving with Hoorays and the homeless! This week: Oxford

Not many cities can rival Oxford’s stunning architecture and fascinating history, not to mention parking prices hitting a world-beating £6 an hour.

Mash Blind Date: your two gay mates who would totally love each other so should go out

STRAIGHT woman Lottie has two gay friends, who by virtue of sharing a sexuality and her friendship are obviously destined to be a couple. Aren’t they?

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Remember Paul the psychic octopus? He was executed after predicting the time of Terry Wogan’s death to the minute.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the cocking council elections

WAKING fully robed in my bathtub, my cassock covered in faeces, urine and blood, I realise that yesterday’s sherry reception for the Little Sisters of the Poor got a little out of hand.

He knows full well who Lorraine is. I've caught him wanking to her

HE’S not at his best in the morning. Takes him a while to warm up. Which is one explanation why his interview went so very fucking badly.

Why cooking for vegans needn't be a hassle, with Colin the emotionally unstable chef

VEGANISM’S hot right now, so let’s celebrate healthy, plant-based diets! It’s not like vegans are holier-than-thou twats who deserve their soy protein rammed up their arses, is it?

Let’s move to a grim Yorkshire city famous for cutlery and The Full Monty! This week: Sheffield

The local delicacy is Henderson’s Relish, which the locals put on everything from cheese on toast to fish and chips. Try not to say it’s a shit version of Worcestershire sauce. Just think it.

Mash Blind Date: a lifelong Londoner meets a man from the distant land known as 'the North'

CAN Highgate resident Francesca, tired of dating men who open with what school they went to, connect with Nathan from the tiny, backward hamlet of Manchester?

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

If you ever see a little black bag hanging from a tree do not pick it. That fruit is not of the fruitbowl, my friend.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Elon twatting Musk

WAKING at four in the morning in a puddle of my own vomit following a late and convivial evening with theologian friends, I pick up my battered mitre.