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Television unveils new method of mingling sub-standard genetic material

A NEW reality TV show on a digital channel has come up with yet another way of encouraging the unintelligent to meet and breed. 

Marry Me Blind Naked Beach Roulette, on E4, brings the young, fertile and spectacularly thick together under the risible pretext that they will become famous while using it as an excuse to match morons.

Producer Denys Finch Hatton said: “The stupid have been given too many distractions. They aren’t breeding.

“With their phones, their social media, their gyms and their eyebrow threading salons, they’re as overstimulated as chimps in an amusement arcade. The future, however, still needs manual workers.

“So we’ve tricked them into entering this near-beach compound where they will have nothing to do but sprout erections and rut while grunting. Once an exchange of inferior juices has taken place, low-IQ babies will result.

“We will broadcast the show, because cretins will watch anything, but be assured its real purpose is the perpetuation of our traditional underclass, ready to serve in 14 to 18 years. Rule Britannia.”

Contestant Jack Browne said: “The tattoo on my neck is meaningful to me. It is of a symbol.”