A WOMAN given a new role and job title is unsure whether she is being recognised for her outstanding work or treated like a prize twat.
Senior assistant accounts executive Joanna Kramer was advised on Friday that she was now accounts executive sub-team leader and spent the weekend celebrating by drinking the same amount of alcohol she usually would.
She said: “I assumed it was a promotion. It kind of had a promotion vibe, though looking back that may just have been the exhilaration of it being Friday afternoon.
“However, now I’m here, I’m at a different desk doing the same work with the same people for a package of what I now see are ‘comparative pay and bonuses’. Leaving me feeling uncomfortably like I’m the dickhead.
“I asked my boss if I’m just doing exactly the same job with a new name and she replied that my role now begins with account executive rather than ending with it, and perception-based incremental upshifts are very in right now.
“So either I’m climbing the corporate ladder rung-by-rung or I’m an easily placated knobhead stuck in a dead-end job. I don’t know whether to be elated or f**king livid.
“Either way I’m doing piss all work while I try to work it out.”