One in four young people too cool to be, like, a wage slave

A QUARTER of young people are not even bothered about working and are probably going to I dunno, hang out in a forest and shit working on their art, they have claimed. 

25 per cent of those aged 18-24 do not ‘see the point’ of work and would rather travel the world, become a millionaire videogame streamer or write, like, a hit Netflix series about all the crazy shit they and their mates get up to.

54-year-old economic analyst Susan Traherne said: “Young people? Having dreams bigger than starting their pension contributions early? But this is unprecedented.

“We expected, given the tough times we’re going through, every member of the sample group to say ‘I hope to work a 40-hour week and achieve incremental pay rises and title-only promotions.’ Not for them to reject it entirely.

“Instead, a quarter of the workforce had nebulous plans like forming a band, launching a stand-up comedy career, becoming ‘the next Addison Rae’ or ‘smoking plenty weed’. I don’t know where they got these ideas. Not their careers advisor.

“When I was 24? I lived for coming up on that first E at Golden on a Friday night, yes, but in the back of my mind I was focused on solid financial planning.”

21-year-old Ryan Whittaker said: “It’s not our generation’s fault if we’re just too untamed and creative to work, you know? And spend 16 hours a day on our phones?”

Martin Lewis issues urgent warning to cretins spaffing away their paycheques on crap

FINANCIAL expert Martin Lewis has exhorted morons who fritter away every penny they earn on useless shite to stop doing it. 

The journalist and money saving guru has advised that, though it might seem like an attractive financial decision to walk into The Range and walk out with armfuls of shower radios, gold meerkat statues and multicoloured feather boas, it is f**king stupid.

He continued: “I’m out here trying to save everyone 2.6 per cent on their annual gas bill and you’re blowing £700 on limited edition Disney statuettes? Stop it.

“You twats are the bane of my life. Stop hopping on Amazon the second you get paid and maybe open an ISA like I tell you every bloody month, yeah?

“Every week I get a call from some twat who’s yet again spent his monthly wage on ugly trainers just because he saw an influencer wearing them. And now he can’t afford to pay his rent. Jesus, you don’t make it easy on yourselves do you, imbeciles?

“I’ve got a degree from LSE, I’ve got an extremely well-guarded reputation for being a consumer champion, I have all kinds of helpful saving and investment tips, and you’re out here without the slightest common sense blowing your money on crap. Dicks.

“I’m sick of wasting good advice on chumps who can’t make simple choices between putting cash in a high-interest account or buying Panini stickers off eBay. Piss off the lot of you.”