Company's culture is alcoholism and being called John

A CONSULTANCY firm is proud of its distinctive workplace culture of drinking too much while employing multiple staff members with the same name. 

Consultancy firm Smith & Smith states on its website that ‘shared values and goals’ and emphasis on ‘diversity and inclusion’ are key tenets of their ‘business philosophy’, without going into any unnecessary detail.

Emma Bradford, a junior vice-partner, said: “Our joint ethos is behind everything we do, especially our regular attendance of Tequila Thursdays at El Capo from 5pm.

“The Johns love it. Not all of them obviously, some prefer wine, but John Murphy and John Aldwick are at the bar before I am and Jon Summers isn’t far behind. It’s where we forge our bond as a team.

“It’s a marvellous place to work, really chilled and with a real team spirit. Like the other week when we realised the presentation deadline was earlier than we’d thought and we all pulled an all-nighter, absolutely hammered, to get it done.”

Boss John Braddock said: “I like to drink and I trust a man with a good, honest name. Don’t mind if they’re black, Jewish or Muslim as long as they get the work done and they’re relaxed about John cracking a beer in meetings.

“I have an open door policy and an open bottle of The Famous Grouse policy. Could a woman be called John? Yes.”

Britons spending 45 per cent of leisure time maintaining some kind of streak

THE average Briton spends almost half of every day maintaining a dubious series of streaks, it has emerged. 

Following the example of apps like Snapchat and Duolingo, adults now only believe they are performing a leisure activity correctly if they do so for a set period every single day.

Lucy Parry said: “Kept up my TV streak this weekend. Up to 460 days watched, so I don’t want to lose that even if there is nothing but shit on.

“Meanwhile my boyfriend’s lager streak continues. At least one pint or can every single day, without fail. He celebrated reaching 730 days last week – two whole years, I’m so proud of him – by getting shitfaced.”

Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: “Smartphones have so thoroughly gamified our hobbies that we cannot conceive of them being their own reward. Instead we create notional ‘streaks’ to congratulate ourselves for doing things we enjoy.

“Whether you’re maintaining a streak of running 5K, reading a book, not smoking meth, Wordle, painting a little tiny Warhammer man, posting used underwear to Henry Cavill, trolling, being in a relationship you would rather not be in or internet addiction, you must keep it going. Otherwise you’ve failed.”

He added: “The UK wanking streak is held by 60-year-old Roy Hobbs of Northampton who is currently on a fantastic 16,801 days. He doesn’t know, he’s never owned a phone.”