PEOPLE who moan are far less annoying than those who boast, it has been claimed.
Researchers at the Institute for Studies found that although boasting is now socially acceptable, it is far more irritating and deceitful than an honest rant.
Professor Henry Brubaker said: “Somehow it’s fine to post photos of a luxury holiday with captions like ‘lovin’ the beach vibe’ or to tell relative strangers how much you earn in your shitty marketing job.
“But if you’re honest about your life being a sequence of petty frustrations and sexual failures, people find it ‘challenging’ or ‘negative’.
“It’s bullshit because people who boast are shallow idiots who disguise their vanity with a thin veneer of contentment and vague notions of universal love. Everyone knows that life is mostly shite.”
Assistant sales manager Emma Bradford said: “When I go to the pub now, my friends are either boasting or playing with their phones while they wait for their turn to brag. It’s like being with people on cocaine except that’s just normal behaviour now.
“Am I the only person who fucking hates their job and thinks modern pop festivals are bleak corporate cash cows?
“Sorry to moan. Actually fuck it, no I’m not.”