Men tell economy that shock shrinkage is okay and normal

BRITAIN’S men have rushed to reassure the economy that a shock shrinkage is nothing to worry about and happens all the time.

After reading reports that the economy dipped unexpectedly in January, sympathetic men have been in touch to let it know they have all been there and everything will be alright.

Joseph Turner from Worthing said: “Don’t beat yourself up mate. You’ve been under a lot of pressure since, what, 2008? This was bound to happen.

“Nobody’s the virile young buck they used to be 30 years ago, and that’s fine. Your days of splashing out on poorly-budgeted vanity projects might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.

“My advice is to take it easy, maybe go on holiday for a bit. Try not to force things and by the time the next budget rolls around I’m sure you’ll be fine. Don’t dwell on this, okay bro? That’ll only make things worse.”

Nathan Muir from Basingstoke told the economy: “Women like Rachel Reeves don’t understand how we work. We can’t be expected to perform all the time and at a moment’s notice, especially at our age.

“If I were you I’d think about something exciting like tax hikes or a massive housebuilding programme to get the blood pumping. Failing that, hook up with some sexy foreign investment. Works every time.”

'The efficiency of its administrative layer played an admittedly minor part in saving my life': Your memories of NHS England

OVER the 13 years since it was formed, NHS England has indirectly and tangentially touched so many of our lives. Here are your memories:

Steve Malley, electrical technician, Romford

“Yeah, when I went in for an ingrowing toenail in 2015, I am given to understand NHS England provided a level of managerial oversight over and above those actually working on the procedure. God bless them. They saved my life.”

Jo Kramer, supermarket cashier, Settle

“My mother suffered from kidney failure and for seven years of hospital appointments until her eventual transplant, I never once heard of NHS England. I assume that’s because they were so incredibly efficient in doing whatever it is they do. Heroes one and all.”

Nikki Hollis, nurse, Croydon

“It deals with my pay, my holidays, my requests for time in lieu and my completely bollocks staff diversity training. Well, I say they do but mostly it’s outsourced to private providers who do a shit job and you can’t reach on the phone. So I’ll miss it tremendously.”

Jeremy Hunt, retired politician, Pimlico

“As a typical Tory who couldn’t give a gnat’s nuts for the NHS, this being put in place immediately as I became health secretary was an absolute godsend to me. I didn’t have to do a f**king thing for six years. Piece of piss. Easiest job I ever had, apart from those two years as chancellor.”

Julian Cook, quangocrat, Leeds

“My employer for the last nine years but, as we say in this business, the quangs come and the quangs go. I’m sure there’ll be another arms-length government body where I can earn a large salary while adding no discernible value. What’s wrong with two layers of bureaucracy? Keeps you warm.”

Keir Starmer, prime minister, Westminster

“13,000 of them and can they as so much as change a dressing? Eh? Can they perform open-heart surgery? Can they f**k. Can’t even prescribe you a pill, half of the bastards. Bunch of f**king timewasters. What do you mean, I sound like Elon Musk?”