Man's Foo Fighters tattoo shows admirable dedication to banality

A MAN in his early 30s has chosen the perfect tattoo to let the world know how trite and conventional he is. 

32-year-old James Bates, who likes a few drinks here and there, loves watching ‘the footie’ at weekends and tried cocaine once but it wasn’t for him, got the double-F logo of his favourite band on his shoulder so nobody would be in any doubt.

Bates, who holds an office job in a Midlands town, said: “I’ve always liked rock music, and the basic, unthreatening sound of the Foos really speaks to me. Also Grohl is a nice man.

“So when everyone else had tattoos and they began to be safe as well as cool, I knew it had to be the Foo Fighters corporate branding which everyone recognises so there’s no confusion.”

Girlfriend Charlotte Phelps, who you guessed it loves Taylor Swift and says ‘doggos’, admitted she was concerned. She said: “It does look a bit Nazi and they were meant to be bad.

“Plus I was concerned it might jeopardise our position as the most generic white couple anyone in our friend group knows. That’s what makes us stand out.

“Luckily James got the tattoo on his upper arm so it’s always covered. Because as he said, there’s a time and a place to express your individuality and it’s not during working hours.”

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Cliched evil tech bros in Hollywood movies nowhere near as bad as Musk

THE cliched internet billionaires on private islands in movies never went so far as to call for race war across a continent, audiences have observed. 

Amoral tech bros, who replaced the 1980s slicked-back hair Wall Street profiteers as Hollywood’s favourite villains, usually intend to corner a new technology to hugely enrich themselves as opposed to openly demanding civil war.

Viewer Nathan Muir said: “Yeah, reality’s kind of raced away from fiction on this one.

“The bad guy buying an entire communications network in, I dunno, Iron Man 4 would have some clever plan involving mass surveillance and control. He wouldn’t just shout ‘RACE WAR!’ like an EDL member freshly released from HMP Styal.

“In the movies they’re smarter than everyone but the hero. In real life Musk doesn’t seem to be able to see through a fake Daily Telegraph headline created by a bigot from Bolton.

“Maybe there’s some long-term Machiavellian plan and posting total bollocks on Twitter is merely a cover to distract us all. Ah, I see he’s spending tonight arse-licking that half-wit who fluked his way to being president. So maybe not.”

Screenwriter Helen Archer said: “You couldn’t get a three-act structure from Musk. First he’s too evil, and second he’s f**king thick.”