Loch Ness: the world's top tourist attractions based on bollocks

LOTS of tourist attractions deserve their popularity. Then there are these destinations which have made a name for themselves based on nonsense.

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Have you ever seen names like Steve Buscemi and Jay Leno written out? Yes. Would you like to see these words on a paving slab? No. In which case, save yourself thousands of pounds on a flight to LA in order to walk up and down a road that’s basically a shit credits sequence.

Loch Ness

If a gigantic prehistoric monster ever lived in Loch Ness, it would have died millennia ago. Don’t waste your time camping out trying to snap the elusive beastie because it doesn’t exist. What you will see though are dozens of equally monstrous American tourists ambling around its shores, purchasing naff and extortionately-priced fridge magnets.

Normandy beaches

These almost get a pass because the largest seaborne invasion in human history did take place on them. Visit them now though and they look indistinguishable from pretty much every other beach in existence. The only difference is they’re populated by irritating dads dragging their bored families up sand dunes to lecture them about supply lines and casualty numbers.

Times Square

Times Square is the Mecca of soulless capitalism. Quite why people rush to gawp at its gaudy advertisements and billboards remains a mystery. It’s like you’ve walked into the most intrusive of online pop ups. Although if you want to marvel at New York’s traffic system while getting jostled by angry locals, maybe it’s the place for you after all.


You know a place is really reaching for a claim to fame when all it has to grab onto is a Victorian murderer who used to stalk its streets. Nowadays the legacy of Jack the Ripper lives on through a drama student in a cape who will take you on an embarrassing tour around its cobbled roads, while frustrated commuters will barge past and call you a prick. They’re not wrong.


Rather than relying on its stunning architecture and natural beauty to lure in tourists, Lourdes goes over the top by claiming to be the site of numerous miracles. It’s the market town equivalent of an otherwise gorgeous face being ruined by lip filler and bad eyebrows. Although if you’ve got an ailment that needs curing, it might be quicker to pop over and ask God for a favour instead of going through the NHS.

Everyone to spend three days f**king

BRITAIN is to observe the May bank holiday by f**king like it will never f**k again, it has confirmed.

The spring holiday, which comes down to us from pagan times, has traditionally been a time for the population to f**k one another like wild beasts until raw and satiated.

But warmer weather, the prospect of a mood-killing festival of patriotism next weekend and the possibility of the Tories getting their arses kicked in the council elections has got the whole nation ready to go at each other until they can go no more.

Grace Wood-Morris said: “The birds are singing, the lambs are jumping in the fields, and I am riding dick until Monday’s Newsnight. It is f**king on.

“Easter’s the weekend for spending in the pub. Next weekend’s the one for doing jobs and ignoring Coronation crap. This bank holiday is for a 72-hour non-stop erotic odyssey.

“If you’re a couple, don’t bother getting out of bed. Even if you’re married, it’s time for your annual rediscovery that sex can be quite enjoyable actually. If you’re single, lower your standards until you’re not going home alone.

“The time has come to f**k, f**k and f**k again. Worry about the consequences next January.”