Short men fine except for short man personality, say women

WOMEN have confirmed they have no issue with short men’s physiques but dismiss them as romantic partners because of short man syndrome. 

While diminutive suitors believe they are overlooked because of their lack of height, women have confirmed the actual issue is their insecurity and aggressive behaviour in pubs.

Sophie Rodriguez said: “I quite like a short lad. They’re easier to fit on a sofa and you can borrow their trainers.

“But they’re always so bitter, so angry at the world, so steadfastly determined to prove everyone wrong by driving a massive SUV, getting jacked in the gym or picking fights with waiters who dare be over six foot that I can’t date them.

“They radiate resentment, leap to jealous conclusions and it’s too easy to lose them in crowds. And they go through your shoes telling you which ones you can’t wear.

“I know it must be hard knowing at any moment you could lose a fight, but I manage it without taking my suffering out on the rest of society, Joker-style.”

Tom Booker, five foot six, said: “It’s true. But women would happily put up with my prick personality if I was nine inches taller.”

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You'd think he'd be hard to miss, says world

WHILE not hoping for his death the world has opined that Donald Trump, who is big and orange in a red hat, would surely be hard to miss. 

The arrest of the second would-be assassin of the current election season has many who wish the former president no harm nonetheless reflecting on his distinctive and garish manner of dress.

Nathan Muir of Hitchen said: “Golfing, right? So it’ll be the white polo shirt, the bright red hat, and between them his usual hi-viz hue.

“Tell me that’s not going to stand out against the emerald backdrop of a golf course. It’s like the tutorial level of Sniper Elite 6. And then there’s the fact he constantly emits noise.

“Don’t get me wrong, it would be a disaster for America and the world if he was shot. The chaos it would unleash would be horrendous. On the other hand, I keep thinking of those stalls at the fairground where you pop red balloons with an airgun.

“All I’m saying is in those circumstances I reckon I would have won the oversized cuddly Minion, alright?

Trump said: “These shooters are pathetic. They’re the worst ever, okay? Put that rifle in my hands and I’d be a dead man.”