Seven obvious reasons why you won't enjoy cuckolding

THERE’S no harm in sexual fantasies, but cuckolding – asking your wife to cheat on you with other men – is worth considering carefully before trying, for these obvious reasons…

The small talk will be awkward

You won’t be able to avoid basic social interaction before you get onto the sex. If you don’t enjoy making small talk at your annual work party, you’re going to hate asking: ‘So, Jeff, how are you looking forward to putting your penis inside my wife?’

The etiquette is far from clear

As the cuckold, can you jump in when you feel like it, or are you forbidden to interfere? Is the act of cuckolding sacred and you’re meant to just sit there masturbating politely? Google offers no clarity and none of your WhatsApp groups want to talk about it.

It’s historically unpopular

Shakespeare was obsessed with cuckoldry, clearly having dated an unfaithful wench, but the term is even older, coming from the Old French for ‘cuckoo’. Throughout much of history anyone having sex with your wife was an acceptable reason to kill him, and her. The Bible and the Koran both favour stoning to death. Is history likely to have got it so wrong?

Will the female participant find it demeaning?

As the woman in all this, you’ll struggle to escape feeling like you’re being passed around like a sharing bag of Kettle Chips. Do you want this? Do you want this but you’d prefer he didn’t want it? At this point, is shagging someone else and getting far too into it just the easiest route out of your relationship?

Will the cuck actually enjoy it? 

Hot in theory, but in practice? If you’re married you feel pretty strongly about your wife. Can you guarantee you’ll enjoy watching her being shagged by a stranger, or will negative feelings creep in? Like sickness, homicidally jealousy or curling up in a ball and sobbing? All reactions which are strong indicators that you have not chosen a fulfilling path.

What will you do while she’s being f**ked?

If being cuckolded isn’t doing much for you, this is a bad time to find out. Would it be rude to go on your phone, or pop out to retrieve your Nintendo Switch? While you’re in the bedroom you could always repaint the ceiling. Surely that would be doubly exciting for your wife who’s been on about it for ages?

Long-term consequences

Couples who have ventured into these realms can find it hard to meet each others’ eyes afterwards. It can’t be turned into a relatable anecdote. And if all your fantasies come true and she really does love sex with other men more than you, she may tire of you wanking in the corner. You were all excited about sexy cuckolding and now you’ve been humiliated.

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Being offered free drugs by strangers: six teenage moral dilemmas that only happened in PSAs

YOU watched, rapt, as these visions of the future unfolded. Ignorant of the fact your teacher stuck the video on because she was lazy, and none of it would happen: 

Lying to the police 

The PC came to your school to give 11-year-olds the scared straight treatment and claimed, straight-faced, that kicking a football through a window and running away would land you ten years for manslaughter. And told you not to lie about it while you all resolved to, in the case of a football window pensioner death, blame your shittest mate.

Intervening in a fight 

‘Hey, violence is never the answer’ said a RADA graduate in a very misleading film about pub punch-ups. Those words stopped the violence in the film. Even aged 12, you knew that would not be the case in real life and all you’d do was hope someone else does something like the one in the video who was a total fanny.

Being offered free drugs 

Only when you do end up with a crowd who miraculously have a pill spare do you realise how how strange it would be for someone to pressure you into taking their drugs, leaving them with less drugs. Who even offers? It’s hard enough to get a drag of your best mate’s Marlboro.

Using fireworks dangerously

Every November 5th you’d head to the local rugby club’s display wary of other kids shoving lit fireworks into your backpack to burn you alive for a laugh. On the ground, other kids shat themselves when their sparklers got too low. The teacher should have been more worried about your dad putting Windex on the bonfire.

Helping a drunk friend 

Mate had a little too much? Ignore all your snog opportunities to focus on their needs: fetching water, finding a quiet corner, calling their parents. Clearly your mates missed the lesson, because when you got smashed they threw Bulmers on your jeans and told the love of your teenage life you’d pissed yourself.

Standing up for yourself 

It’s important to be yourself and not bow to the judgement of others. Easy to say when you’re not still getting shit for wearing your dad’s coat on the school trip to the Sea Life Centre two years ago. Much easier to take it off and be cold, wet and normal. You can learn self-confidence later when you’re not at school with five hundred wankers.