Interest in Japanese culture remains intriguing quirk in women and terrifying red flag in men

A FASCINATION with Japanese culture is alternative and interesting in women and a sign of an aberrant personality and unhealthy sexual interests in men. 

A survey of Japanophiles found that women who bought manga were well-adjusted individuals, while men learning Japanese were almost entirely social outcasts with extensive collections of deviant animated pornography.

At an Otaku World festival in London, attendee Grace Wood-Morris said: “I’m here because I’m intelligent, seek out the intriguing and different from other cultures and come away richer for it.

“However, if I meet a guy with even the slightest interest in anime, it 100 per cent means he’s a far-right extremist with a waifu pillow who stays up all night on 4chan harassing women from the games industry.”

35-year-old J-pop devotee Lucy Parry agreed: “I love various androgynous Japanese musicians who wear their hair in pink bunches, and that’s fine. However if a man likes them he’s a creep with an unhealthy interest in cartoon schoolgirls.

“Later on I’ll be screaming at a live performance by boys half my age, taking selfies with youngsters in various cartoon costumes and visiting the on-site maid café where I will pay a young woman dressed like an 18th-century child to serve me tea.”

Joshua Hudson, another attendee, remarked: “I’ve drunk Pocari Sweat, bought some rare Gundam, looked through racks of videogame music on vinyl and eaten some delicious onigiri. Nobody will talk to me.”

Why Sue Gray's departure proves it's over for Starmer and we've basically won, by all Tories

Exclusive by every senior member of the Conservative Party and their newspapers

THE dismissal of the prime minister’s chief of staff after just three months in the job makes it unignorable: Labour are over, the Tories have won and an election is a formality. 

There is no way the government can possibly recover from this. Nor will the electorate allow them to. It was Sue Gray they voted to put in Downing Street, not Starmer. 

How can they justify limping on for another few months before the inevitable general election while presiding over a government of chaos and disorder? Where nobody knows who’s in charge from one day to the next? 

Sue Gray, a vicious, biased excuse for a civil servant whose lies about Partygate unfairly ousted a prime minister, was the only integrity this sorry excuse for an administration had left. Now Starmer has betrayed this traitor what’s left? Someone nobody’s heard of? 

This cannot compare to the Cummings affair, where a private and decent man was pilloried for accidentally driving the length of the country during lockdown and again to Barnard Castle, whose reasonable excuses were instantly widely accepted. Not the same. 

Starmer was already on his last legs, his 165 majority already whittled down to a pathetic, unworkable 157, battered by riots he himself caused by not being Nigel Farage. Now Sue Gray has departed, no excuse is left. 

The Conservative party is limber, refreshed, ready to rule and will no doubt be elected in a landslide. Don’t worry about us not having a leader yet. We’ll sort that out after we get in and if we don’t like the first one we can always switch.