How to keep the spark alive during six weeks of wanking, by a teenager

THE long summer holidays can put undue pressure on your relationship with self-abuse. Here Oliver O’Connor explains how to keep compulsive masturbation fresh: 

Explore new areas

It’s too easy to fall into a porn rut. Open your mind to new possibilities. Try jizzing over Nala from The Lion King, over the silver medallist in the Omnium, over Annabelle the haunted doll. Yesterday I masturbated to thoughts of Empress Theodora, the wife of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, which was both sexy and history revision.

Go out looking for MILFs

My biology teacher Ms Ferguson is lost to me for the summer. Tragedy, but there are others out there. My initial research suggests Asda and the doctor’s surgery are poor hunting grounds, and tennis courts and Waitrose turn up some very likely prospects. Avoid the eyes of other teen boys shamefacedly doing the same thing. Check their mums out though.

Try abstention

Hear me out. Experts, including Jonathan Ross and the Dalai Lama, agree a break from self-gratification makes subsequent wanks more satisfying. Give your balls time to completely refill and the subsequent ejaculation will make you fall in love with it all over again. To begin with, try for at least a six-hour break.

Go on a wanking holiday

Recharge your tugging batteries with a change of scene, like mum and dad tried to do with their marriage. You can’t fly to Venice like they did, but there are so many places around the home you’ve never spaffed: the garage, the loft, the garden shed. The thrill of it will make you feel so alive.

Begin lucid dreaming

As a teenager you sleep 14 hours a day, largely unpunctuated by whacking Billy. In a lucid dream you control events and can order Dua Lipa to strip then do her Glastonbury set. It can be difficult to get the hang of, and the narrative segues between doing an exam naked and sex can so be so awkward they wake you up, but it works in theory.

Experiment with advanced techniques

Not easy because you can’t just copy a YouTube video, this seems to involve stimulating parts you usually ignore. Handy to know, like a reef knot, but I’m unsure about prostate massage in case it turns me gay. I’m no homophobe, but updating a terabyte of porn from boobs to hairy arses is admin I don’t need.

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Kamala Harris: who is she, and does it even matter?

AS Kamala Harris secures the Democratic party nomination who is she, and given who she’s running against does it even matter? We investigate: 

A woman

Harris is a woman, which is good news for her 168 million fellow American women and their reproductive health. However no woman has ever become president and the last one who tried failed so badly that Donald Trump became president. As a precedent, this is bad.


Barack Obama was merely black. Harris is not just black but Indian, locking up the votes of two of the world’s most populous ethnicities. Unfortunately there are a great many white men in the US who view anyone but white men as untrustworthy and holding unfair grudges about, say, slavery. Her complexion will not please them.

A steadfast fighter for law and order

The former attorney general of California aggressively pursued criminals and locked up thousands. Usually that would be a positive because criminals are unpopular. Regrettably, since former president Trump was charged with numerous crimes and convicted of some, his supporters believe crime is great and should be penalty-free.

Vice-president during an economic turnaround

Bold economic policies and investment in green tech has turned the US economy around, making it the envy of the West. Harris can take full credit for her part in that over the last four years. Such a shame half the country no longer gives a f**k and would rather rabidly back a convicted loser who tried to overthrow democracy and failed.


‘Kamala IS brat’ according to Charli XCX, the pop star who has released a good album after only seven previous tries. But what is ‘brat’? An internet meme. And who remembers Hillary Clinton doing the Mannequin Challenge then getting her arse properly kicked in the election? Pissing around with viral bollocks is a negative.

Not Donald Trump

Harris’s most important characteristic, which will attract millions of voters who otherwise disagree with everything she stands for, is not being Donald Trump. Capable of rational thought and with a political vision for her country, she is his opposite. But through no merits of his own he heroically survived being shot so he’ll win.