A CUDDLY, playful kitten is already displaying the character traits of the savage, vengeful bastard it will be as an adult, his new owner has reported.
Branflake, a three-month-old tabby and white cat, was adopted when Emma Bradford fell for his sweet, innocent demeanour but has begun to display classic signs of haughty and ungrateful cat behaviour.
She said: “Most of the time he’s scampering around endearingly, playing with his toys and snuggling and being ever so cute, then just for a moment he’s giving me a look of sheer disgust when I try to pat him.
“Then the next morning I didn’t feed him quite as soon I usually do and I was tickling him and he suddenly scratched me. Really hard. Animals don’t understand revenge but it kind of felt he did.
“He also seems disdainful of his food, prefers to piss on the duvet rather than in his litter box, and I sometimes see him staring out of the window at the birds with a look of of murderous intent.
“Should I give him more treats? Toys? Catnip? I’m sure there’s something I can do that will make him just sweet and charming forever.”
Branflake said: “The monstrous, aggressive personality that is slowly emerging will always remember these months of being cute and cuddly as a humiliation.
“She will suffer for them for the rest of my life.”