Woman has light, painless periods because of her innate moral superiority

A WOMAN experiences hardly any of the debilitating effects of menstruation because of her natural goodness.

Nikki Hollis, who considers herself to be a uniquely kind and generous person, has periods that are neither painful nor particularly hard to manage – something she believes cannot be mere coincidence.

Hollis said: “I think it’s because I’m just a really good person. I’m kind to animals and children. I once bought a Big Issue from a homeless that didn’t even look that malnourished. As a result, I’ve been blessed with light periods.

“I can only conclude that women who need super-extra-absorbent tampons or prescription painkillers must be full of inner toxicity they need to expel. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

Hollis has considered having her virtuous menstrual cycle studied and the results published in medical journals to help women less wonderful than herself.

She said: “I’m sure it would help poor, downtrodden women who go on and on about their painful periods. Perhaps they could consider doing meditation, or volunteering at a food bank, instead of complaining?”

Hollis’ GP Francesca Johnson said: “Despite what Nikki may believe, there’s nothing special about her from a medical standpoint. Although I have never seen these levels of unbearable smugness.”

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Earth to get unwanted immigrant moon

THE Earth is to get a moon it did not ask for, that has waltzed over from the outer solar system without permission, and which everyone is united against.

The second moon, due to arrive on Monday and which seemingly nobody has the gumption to stop, will take up orbit around our planet using our gravity which we pay our taxes for.

It hails from the foreign-sounding Arjuna asteroid belt and has crossed 2.5 million miles to reach Earth, where it no doubt intends to claim asylum on the grounds that the other asteroids pick on it.

Wayne Hayes of Colchester said: “There’s one moon and it’s white. End of.

“Apparently you won’t even be able to see this 2024 PT5 – what kind of a name is that – without a professional telescope. Well that makes me trust it even less.

“How do we know it won’t suddenly change course and slam into our planet at maximum velocity, making us as extinct as the dinosaurs? Scientists say that’s impossible, but what do they know?

“I’m not racist. We’re agreed from Northampton to Nigeria: that so-called moon should f**k off back where it came from. If it refuses? We send Tim Peake up there to twat it one.”