Three tampons should cover it: The clueless boyfriend's guide to menstruation

BOYFRIENDS are often mocked for not understanding periods, but really it’s no more complicated than looking after a hamster. Follow this advice and your partner will be fine. 

Three tampons per period will suffice

Everyone knows that one tampon lasts a full period. You’re a considerate partner, however, so you’ll get two spare in case that one falls out.

She can’t get pregnant

Yep, just like if you do it standing up, obviously. With periods the sperms’ visibility is limited and they give up, like driving in fog.

Exercise helps cramps

You saw them say this once on This Morning when you were too hungover to change the channel. You should therefore inform your girlfriend when she’s in the most pain that what she needs instead of an Ibuprofen is a 5k run.

PMS isn’t real

We all get moody or angry sometimes, and she shouldn’t get a catch-all excuse. Again, be sure to remind her of this when she’s at her most hysterical and she’ll definitely thank you for putting her straight.

Everything runs like clockwork

Pretty much to the minute. Every woman knows that every cycle lasts exactly 28 days, after which they will lightly bleed for exactly 24 hours. So there’s no reason for them not to be prepared.

No one knows what periods are for

Like the Nazca Lines, dreams and gravity, scientists have yet to figure out how periods work or what purpose they serve. Maybe you could be the one to solve the mystery?

A handful of cheddar makes all Italian dishes better: How to piss off a foodie with facts

KNOW an idiot who believes pizza is better with just bland, boring mozzarella? Here are some food facts they need to stop being in denial about. 

A handful of cheddar makes all Italian dishes better

The Italians think they are the greatest cooks in the world but if that’s true, why do none of their recipes ask for the generous handful of cheddar cheese that makes all their dishes nicer? Pizza, spaghetti bolognese, lasagne, risotto: all much tastier with a liberal sprinkling of Cathedral City. 

Truffles taste like feet

Yeah, yeah, we all know truffles are rare and impossible to farm, and can only be found by specially trained pigs or whatever, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep lying to ourselves and pretending they don’t taste vile. Even bang-average high street cafes are selling ‘truffle fries’ now. Please stop this madness and allow us to eat our chips with salt and vinegar, as God intended.

Homemade pastry is never better than shop-bought

It doesn’t matter if you used your great-great-grandmother’s secret recipe and lard from a pig you raised and slaughtered yourself: the sad truth is that pastry made by a robot in a factory will always be more elegant and tasty than the thick, lumpy stuff you produce. Stop being such a snob and give in to the seductiveness of ready-rolled puff. You won’t regret it.

Delia Smith is the best celebrity chef

You can keep Heston Blumenthal, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Anna Jones and the rest: the only celebrity chef we need is Delia. She’ll teach you anything you want, from boiling an egg to making a soufflé, with the no-nonsense attitude of a bossy 1980s home economics teacher. Plus she got pissed and lairy at a football match, which you’d never see that drip Nigel Slater doing.

Correcting someone’s pronunciation of a foreign food always makes you a twat

When discussing food with a friend or acquaintance, it is guaranteed that they will never, ever appreciate you correcting their pronunciation of a foreign name or phrase. While you may feel like a clever and cultured person for interjecting with ‘Actually, it’s pronounced ‘broo-SKEH-tah’, they will hate you for being the enormous wanker that you are.

Findus Crispy Pancakes are the zenith of gastronomic achievement

Foodie bellends will try to convince you that eye-wateringly expensive flash-friend Japanese wagyu steak is the most delicious dish in the world, but they’re wrong. The fact is that a beef mince Findus Crispy Pancake is always going to be 100 per cent more satisfying and tasty. They could even air fry it, if they want to be posh.