You'd think I would have shut the f**k up, wouldn't you? By Russell Brand

‘ELLO mateys! You’d think I’d be keeping my head down after all that sexual predator malarkey, but rampant egomania don’t work like that! Here’s the truth as I see it: 


Blessed as we are by the scourge of Icarus, I purchased the frigid be-mangoed coolant known coquettishly as ‘Solero’. As I cogitated at length on the voluptuousness of this harlot, this Venus, this tuppenny whore of the freezer section, it melted and fell off the stick. ‘Not again,’ I verbalised.

Kamala Harris

Ooh, my tweet that Harris is ‘the new pick in the bait n’ switch we are being offered in lieu of democracy… offering cutaneous and genetic novelty to secularist devotees’ has upset the old cart of Cox’s Pippins! What I’m saying is the Democrats aren’t radical even if she’s black. Perceptive for a deluded, tight-trousered conspiratorial narcissist, would you agree?

The obligatory conspiracy bullshit

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump? All the hallmarks of the Deep State. Not a dicky bird suggests any connection with the Deep State, which proves it. Can cracky-crack gunslinger Hunter Biden prove he didn’t purchase an AR-15 that fateful morning? I must continue to posit these perplexing posers while the Rumble revenues roll in.

I weep for the mother goddess Gaia

Every day I weep for the planet. Not literally, for I am liberal with eyeliner, but the Earth belongs not to us but to our children, our children’s children, and our children’s children’s children. It is ruminating in my bewhiskered noggin that no-one has ever said that before.


Zelenskyy continues his unprovoked and naughty attacks on peace-loving Russia, refusing to give back aggressively annexed territory, the cheeky so-and-so. But Starmer yet supports this warmongering Mussolini of the modern minute! How can anyone without excrement for a cerebellum hold a worldview so diametrically wrong?

The unsavoury allegations about your old mucker Russ

‘Why carry on when so deep in the shit?’ you may enquire. The answer is not my monstrous need for attention; it is to prove that, like Christ, I’m innocent. I’ve even been baptised so God’s pressed the moral reset button and I’m good now. I wouldn’t be surprised if He’s lining me up for second-in-command. Sorry Jesus, you had a good run.

How I’m learning to love MAGA

Many a year has passed since TV was queueing up to hand over wads of the old spondulicks, but as the man who f**ked the octopus said, there’s always another sucker. I like the look of these bumptious fellows in the red hats. They seem credulous and accepting, ready to dismiss past misdeeds as piffle. Share a platform, Donald?

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Eighth Labour MP suspended for not using coaster

KEIR Starmer has announced the whip has been suspended from an eighth MP for the crime of placing a cup on a wooden table without using a coaster. 

Following the suspension last night of seven MPs who voted against the two-child benefit cap, the MP for Stafford has been expelled for three months after leaving an unsightly coffee ring on an occasional table.

A Downing Street spokesperson said: “Keir had little option. If he let this blatant threat to his authority slide it could undermine his whole project.

“He made an example of her, screaming ‘what the f**k have you done, you dozy prick’ and flinging a folder across the room, puce-faced, teeth bared. Everyone’s bound to respect him now.

“Granted the strict coaster policy wasn’t in the manifesto and got cut at the last minute from the King’s Speech, but Starmer believes it should be obvious and only a bloody Corbynite would dare flout it in such an inflammatory manner.

“That leaves us with a majority of 164, which is still plenty and definitely won’t be eroded by a series of draconian, ruthless responses to minor infractions over the next five years.”

Starmer said: “Did you just ignore Downing Street’s shoes-at-the-door policy? When I’ve just bought a new f**king rug?”