KATY Perry, a pop star from 2008-2013, is to be on a groundbreaking all-woman spaceflight. Why do you believe it’s well-deserved?
Tom Booker, classicist: “They’ve tricked her by saying it’s an experiment about zero-gravity toplessness, haven’t they? That’s so wrong. It should have been Christina Hendricks.”
Marie Fisher, herpetologist: “Her last comeback crashed and burned. I should ask the team dealing with re-entry to keep that in mind.”
Charlie Phleps, violinist: “Why’s everyone acting like this has come out of the blue? Her 2011 single ET was entirely focused on the study of extra-terrestrial biomes and possible life.”
Roy Hobbes, mariner: “I’m all for this feminism but what about poor Orlando Bloom, stuck at home minding the kids while she experiences 11 minutes of spaceflight.”
Sue Traherne, taco vendor: “Careful, fellow passengers. She kisses girls and likes it.”