Jesus had a big knob, Turin shroud reveals

JESUS Christ had a larger-than-average penis and insisted on shoehorning this fact into conversation, research into the Turin Shroud has proved.

Specialists brought in by the Vatican found the Lamb of God’s penis was seven-and-a-quarter inches long with a corresponding girth, which they believe explains why he was so keen on stripping off for baptisms.

Father Oliver O’Connor explained: “Most analysis of the shroud focuses on the face and stigmata, but enhanced radiocarbon imaging of the groin area shows the Messiah was packing some serious heat.

“As such he undoubtedly employed lame conversational gambits to broach the subject of his man meat, such as ‘It’s so difficult finding robes that are a loose fit in the crotch, isn’t it?’ The disciples were just too sick of his boasting to put it in the Gospels.

“He also engineered situations where he could show it off, which is why he was always waist-deep in the Sea of Galilee. ‘Hey, who’s up for skinny-dipping?’ he’d shout. Pathetic really.”

Pope Francis said: “Nothing in scripture categorically states Jesus was not slinging a major lizard, so by our odd standards that proves the Shroud of Turin is authentic.

“Whether it ever got him laid is unclear. The only woman who features prominently in his adult life is Mary Magdalene, a known prostitute, so it looks like no ordinary woman was prepared to go near the beast.”

Brian Cox, and five other celebrities who could be high as f**k and you'd never know

WITH his spaced-out ramblings about the wonders of the universe, no observer can discern whether Brian Cox is straight or high. These are similarly challenging: 

Brian Cox

The universe is indeed a fascinating place filled with notable marvels. But the only people rhapsodising about the quark’s journey through the universe are either fried on acid and unaware everyone else has left the party or particle physicists like Brian Cox. His mod haircut and musical background make it even harder to tell if he’s just done a fat line.

Lady Gaga

Shrewdly playing the long game, Gaga has created a surreal stage persona you’re used to seeing in meat dresses or eight-inch crystal heels so she can behave as bizarrely as she likes without arousing suspicion. You’d only suspect she was on ketamine if you saw her doing something wildly out of character, like browsing model railway magazines at WH Smiths.

Tom Cruise

The presence of substances in the bloodstream would be the least of your concerns if you met Cruise. With his disturbing grin and manic personality you’d assume he was not high on coke but on Scientology and his own unearthly longevity, and that he was about to push hardcore religion on you for the sake of your thetan.


A battery of drug testers could not discern whether Björk was off her face. Asking her point blank would be a run to nothing as she’d start reeling off a list of impenetrable albeit hauntingly evocative metaphors, accompanied by discordant frenetic drums. Save time by assuming she’s dosed up 24/7, as is everyone Icelandic.

Joe Biden

Delayed reaction times and slurred speech are tell tale signs that somebody is high, and Biden has both in abundance. He’s certainly loaded up with prescription meds to keep him ticking over until his presidency ends. Is there a generous dose of heroin mixed in? That’s a secret he’ll take to his grave, early next year.

Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie is too perfect to let slip if she were high. She could be tripping on a speedball and still power through a press interview flawlessly. Not that you’d notice she was babbling about insects under her skin because you’d be blinded by her exemplary facial structure.