'It's educational,' and other justifications Bonnie Blue may not have thoroughly thought through

ONLYFANS star Bonnie Blue, who had sex with one thousand twats, has rationalised the stunt in ways that do not stand up to rigorous intellectual scrutiny: 

‘It’s educational’

Really? It may have enlightened a few, but mankind has had the whole ‘how does penetrative sex work?’ question nailed for a while. If education was the intention there could have been an exam on the causes of the Hundred Years’ War during sex, and not mentioning the French seizing the Duchy of Aquitaine would remove your right to ejaculate.

‘It makes women safer’

Bonnie’s reasoning is that if the guys she has sex with pull her hair or choke her she can tell them if they’re going too far. Which protects other women. But isn’t no women getting unexpectedly choked during sex an improvement, or is that hopelessly outdated these days? Since when did the Boston Strangler become a romantic role model?

‘It provides a judgement-free place for young men to explore sex’

Her words, but suggests Bonnie didn’t check the social media reaction to her globally publicised, morally questionable sex stunt. It was not a judgement-free situation. Typical judgements included ‘Jesus, what a bunch of sad bastards’, ‘This is disgusting and misogynist’ and ‘That’s my ex third in the line, the vile prick’.

‘It’s a step forward for pornography’

Bonnie complains that porn is ‘done more for the viewer watching as opposed to the person in the video and that’s what I’d really like to change’. Really? So we should be watching a thousand-man sex marathon purely to be pleased for the participants as if it were a minor Olympic sport? Murmuring ‘Aah, just look at his delighted cum face’?

‘It’s a valuable warning to women who are lazy in the bedroom’

Fail to please your man and he will stray, argues Bonnie, a surprisingly traditionalist sentiment from someone who’s just banged 1,057 random men on camera. So ladies, next time you find your boyfriend lining up alongside enough men to fill a medium-sized gig venue to briefly penetrate a porn star, remember it’s your own fault.

‘I’m being a good content creator’ 

The evidence supports Bonnie here, as millions watched this strange and depressing spectacle. Even including the words ‘uncensored link below’ in an article will boost search rankings immeasurably. But should the public always be given what it wants, when half of them would happily settle down for a televised execution?

‘It’s enjoyable’

‘I do this because it’s from pure passion and enjoyment,’ says Bonnie, and a few climaxes were likely borne of the the sheer amount of mechanical rutting. But anything becomes unpleasant in excess. Eating 1,057 Creme Eggs would not make you happy. At least in a monogamous relationship women only have to be ineptly poked by one clueless dick.

Trump agrees deal for demineralisation of Ukraine

PRESIDENT Trump has settled on a deal that will see Ukraine freed from the scourge of lithium that has blighted the country for too long.

After a delicate negotiation process where he demanded half of everything and called the other signatory a warmongering dictator, Trump and Zelensky have agreed a deal which will clear Ukraine of its dangerously valuable minerals.

The president said: “How can ordinary Ukranians rest easy knowing there are titanium deposits under their very feet, just waiting to be blown out of the ground with explosives?

“My special military operation will liberate the brave people of this country from the wealth which makes them such a tempting target. And by open-cast mining, we hope to eliminate hundreds of acres of irresistibly fertile farmland, too.”

Ukrainian president Zelensky agreed: “As a country, harbouring 19 million tonnes of graphite was irresponsible. Of course we got invaded! Of course it was our own fault!

“By stripping the earth of these fascist minerals and receiving almost nothing in return, we dramatically reduce Ukraine’s value. No longer will our fascist rare earth metals hold us at gunpoint. Peace in our time.”

He added: “It reminds me of the 1990s when we gave up our nuclear weapons in return for promises by the US, UK and Russia to guarantee our security. I hope that’s a good omen.”