'We are old men now,' Guns N' Roses tell Glastonbury crowd

GUNS N’ Roses have soberly informed Glastonbury that their wild, rock ‘n’ roll years are far behind them and they are now old, tired men.

Between songs, Axl Rose explained that while they were once the most dangerous band in the world, they now firmly believed in the importance of an afternoon nap.

He continued: “How y’all doin’, Glastonbury? Because I gotta tell you my hip’s not so f**kin’ good!

“We’re playing these songs, we’re rocking out about crazy 80s LA and heroin and chicks and motorbikes, and man, we are no longer living a word of that shit! Can I get a hell yeah?

“Learned the hard way, Glastonbury, learned the dangers of booze, drugs, wives, recording new material and what’s that, Slash? Oh yeah, snakes. He learned the dangers of snakes.

“So here I am, singing about those hedonistic days while living their total antithesis or I wouldn’t f**kin’ be here to sing about it. I get massages and meditate and shit, assholes!

“And we still rock harder than Lewis f**king Capaldi. This is Rocket Queen!”

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A sexy stranger is flirting with you. Will you pull or f**k it up? A choose-your-own pub adventure

YOU are being eyed up by a sexy stranger from across the bar, but do you have what it takes to get them back to yours? Try your luck with our interactive quest.

1. You clock the brunette temptress looking your way and decide to bravely respond in kind. To smoulder in return, go to 2, or to wink at her, go to 3.

2. Your glance of simmering desire is not enough. You should have got up, walked over and impressed her with a tale of derring-do. Instead she seduced your friend who knows what he’s doing. Your adventure is over.

3. You clumsily blink at her, having never mastered winking. She laughs though and beckons you over. To play it cool and do it in your own time, go to 8, to abandon your friends and run over straight away, go to 4.

4. In your haste you bump into a rugby fan and spill his pint. He calls you a daft prick and gives your shins a little kick. Deduct 2 stamina points. To stand up to him, go to 5, or to continue on your way, go to 6.

5. With a braying laugh, the rugby player pops his collar, rolls up his sleeves and invites you to take this outside. Once there, he sends you home in an ambulance by knocking you out with a bone-shattering uppercut. You will not be pulling this evening.

6. Having wisely decided not to start a fight you could not win, you make it to the sexy stranger and strike up a conversation. You can either make tedious small talk and go to 7, or summon your courage and pay her a compliment, and go to 8.

7. Your adventure has stalled as you try to explain some of the benefits of AI to a woman who clearly does not give a toss. After ten minutes of your punishingly dull chat, she will excuse herself then escape out the bathroom window. You f**ked it, traveller.

8. Your laid-back confidence and easy-going charm have paid off, hero. The sexy stranger cannot resist you, and has downed her pint and grabbed her bag. Hooking you by the arm, she marches you to the door and back to her place, where the true challenge of unhooking a bra and trying not to be a massive sexual letdown awaits.