It is five pints in a beer garden o'clock

THE time is now exactly knock off work and drink five delicious pints in a beer garden o’clock, scientists have confirmed.

With temperatures soaring to levels incompatible with working, senior and genuine scientists have agreed it is imperative that you put your out-of-office on and head to the nearest pub for several refreshing pints in the sun.

Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: “Just as the hands of the Doomsday Clock inch ever closer to an apocalyptic midnight, the heatwave has finally nudged drinking time to midday piss-ups. Enjoy.

“We’re long past staying hydrated by drinking water. Even the lightweight’s Pimm’s o’clock is in the past. The mercury hits 30C today which officially heralds the start of Greenwich Steamed By 3pm Time.

“Don’t worry about falling behind with your work or getting rumbled by your boss. They’ve already installed themselves outside Wetherspoons and are knocking back pitchers of Candy Rosá.

“Follow their example by quintuple parking yourself with ice-cold lager. Avoid salty crisps. They’ll only make you more thirsty which is dangerous in this heat. Far better to drink on an empty stomach.”

Drinker Martin Bishop said: “See, science gets a bad rap with that climate change shite, but it can be useful.”

All the references to other stuff in Deadpool & Wolverine because films now come with f**king homework

BEEN to see Deadpool & Wolverine? Failed to see the multiple films or read the comics necessary to get the jokes? Read our guide, you ignorant shit: 

That Wolverine who killed Deadpool in an alleyway? No, of course he wasn’t from Days of Future Past. He was Age of Apocalypse Wolverine, which you’d know if you’d read that seminal 1995 42-comic storyline.

You didn’t get that Van Wilder joke? Okay, so you’ve walked in here without even the most basic knowledge of the corpus of Ryan Reynolds. You couldn’t even go on IMDB?

That you’ve watched and remember movies from the pre-Marvel Cinematic Universe is assumed. Wilfully choosing the path of idiocy means you missed the significance of that cameo. Nobody cares that you were ‘revising for medical exams in the 00s’.

Seriously? You haven’t even bothered watching both series of Loki? Entirely your fault you don’t know what the Void is then. Nobody’s going to explain it to you.

Surely you got the joke of the name of the shoe shop in the background during that one scene. Everyone knows the shortcomings of that particular 90s comic artist, right? What do you mean you were watching what was happening in the foreground?

Okay, not knowing the significance of that bit where Wolverine’s in the brown John Byrne costume – not even knowing what that means – disqualifies you from watching this film. You fraudulently obtained a ticket and the police will be informed.

Look, if you’re not prepared to put in the effort and watch at least 15 other movies, be up to speed on corporate entertainment takeovers, be passingly familiar with the comics, the animated series and the Disney Plus shows, don’t bother going to the cinema.