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'Splash!' drowns 12

TOM Daley’s Saturday night diving show has kicked-off with the deaths of 12 of its celebrity contestants.

The producers of Splash! paid tribute to the dead but pledged to continue throwing famous people off a diving platform just to see what happens.

Last week’s dead included Marty Bishop, member of short-lived late 90s boyband 12345 R GR8! and Susan Traheme who appeared briefly as ‘bad girl’ Stephanie Shears in the short-lived Channel 5 soap opera Venereal Close.

Also drowned was 1970s children’s presenter Bill McKay, whose Border TV show Up With the Cock provided young viewers with a fascinating look at life on a farm.

But many of the celebrities dragged from the water remain unidentified. An ITV spokesman said: “We think one of them might have been on Tomorrow’s World.”

Critics accused the producers of exploiting semi-famous people who were entirely the wrong shape to collapse into a swimming pool.

But ITV said Helen Lederer, who survived but has three broken vertebrae in her neck, wanted to continue as long as they promised not to strap her to her wheelchair.

The spokesman added: “It was one of our darkest days so after a lot of soul searching we have decided to use a deeper pool and have the contestants coached by Andi Peters.”