Olympic Village rife with regimented, goal-based sex

ATHLETES in Paris’s Olympic village are spending their evenings engaged in sexual congress which they see as a physical endurance challenge. 

The gathering of 10,000 young, fit, unfeasibly-motivated freaks in an enclosed space has fuelled intense media speculation about who is ramming their pudenda into whom and how fast.

Sprinter Tom Logan said: “We Olympians consider intercourse to be a form of cardio.

“Personally I commence intercourse with five minutes of ‘warm up’, which usually means six sets of ten repetitive tweaks of my partner’s nipples.

“Then it’s on to the thrusting component of the sex workout. This is my favourite part because it’s horizontal so it doesn’t strain the tendons or ligaments.

“And I like to have my coach in the room, yelling encouragement like ‘Go Tom!’ and ‘You’re almost there!’ I think that’s something I have in common with every Briton.”

Logan’s trainer Stephen Malley said: “I’ll stand over Tom while he’s in the final strokes, squirting isotonic sports drink into his mouth to keep him hydrated. He’s got his finishing time down to one minute four point four six seconds. Beat that, Indonesia.”

American hurdler Emma Bradford said: “I deter my sexual partners from kissing because it doesn’t burn calories fast enough and I don’t need to develop my mouth muscles.

“Also it encourages the sort of emotions that are not conducive to victory.”

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Pointlessness of Brexit exposed by tethered bottle cap

THE futility of Britain’s decision to leave the EU has been exposed by a little tethered bottle cap you get annoyed about on a daily basis.

Succeeding where valid arguments about free trade and the economy failed, caps attached to plastic bottles with tethers mandated by the EU have revealed that Brexit was perhaps a meaningless gesture all along.

Leave voter Wayne Hayes said: “And there I was thinking that Brexit has been a roaring success. I couldn’t be more wrong.

“The NHS may be drowning in all the excess millions it’s receiving on a weekly basis, and the country’s underlying political divisions might have been fixed for good, but at what cost? We might as well use the euro for all the difference it makes.

“I thought Britain would be free to remove bottle caps as we pleased. Perhaps tossing them into our immaculate seas and rivers like coins being thrown into a fountain. But no, the jackboot of Brussels put paid to that dream.

“Instead we’re attached to Ursula von der Leyen and her rabble of unelected bureaucrats like this bottle of Coke here. We’re the plucky little plastic cap trying to go it alone in this metaphor, obviously.”

He added: “Stupid bastard twatting thing, why won’t it f**king come off?”