Your astrological week ahead for August 2nd, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

“And is there a Mummy Longlegs?” – you, chatting up a crane fly.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

You refuse to eat Mint Imperials because of their connections to violent colonialism. You’re not entirely sure what that connection is but it’s got to be grim.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

They should remake British sex comedies. Paul Mescal as a gormless window cleaner. Florence Pugh as an oversexed Danish au pair. Martin Freeman as a dirty lecher in a mac.

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

All this talk of throuples. If you want to become a third party in a stagnant relationship and fail to make it any better, just be born an only child.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

Putting on happy music when you’re in a foul mood won’t cheer you up but will draw a stark and interesting contrast between the joyful soundtrack and your misery, like in Joker.

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise. Your old secondary school’s geography department. Doggers to a man.

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

Nothing can match the high of tutting at a Team GB athlete who only finished sixth in the entire world at their event.

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

At some point a man from Zanzibar, visiting Britain, must have gratefully entered a nightclub bearing his country’s name to meet compatriots and felt even more alone.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

You accidentally called him ‘Prince Charles’ and got laughed out of the pub, had your citizenship removed and have been interned indefinitely.

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

It is possible to live your entire life in Britain and never see so much as a weasel.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

Be careful wild swimming. There’s a risk a burly man will hook you out of the water and proudly hold you aloft for his Tinder profile photo.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

A chocolate teapot does have a use. You can eat it.

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The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Trump - soon just an orange puddle with a combover in it?

WAKING with a hangover which makes me contemplate self-decapitation, I recall my inadvertent involvement in the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games. 

I was visiting Paris in a private capacity on the night of the ceremony; an uneventful tour of the city’s cafes, when I fell in with the convivial company of some ‘drag queens’. After several libations, I set us an amusing challenge. 

Procuring a length of bungee cord, we evaded security and clambered up the Eiffel Tower. On one of the platforms I stripped naked, affixed myself to the cord, and, with the drag queens securing the other end, leapt off the tower.

Bouncing upside down for several minutes with my genitals flapping in sync with each descent and subsequent ascent was most bracing, but I later discovered my harmless tomfoolery had been mistaken for part of the Olympics’ progressive opening ceremony, and had been broadcast live around the world.

The prank was condemned as sacreligious, and I thought it wise to blame an imposter. The International Olympic Committee apologised to me profusely for the security failing, and vowed to track down the impersonator. I was offered a considerable cash sum by way of settlement, which, I am informed, landed in my account this morning.

That matter resolved, I take a light breakfast and peruse a periodical. Therein I read that agitators ran riot in Southport following the tragic murders. ‘Britain’s strictest headmistress’ Katharine Birbalsingh described the rioters not as far-right extremists but ‘ordinary people’ disaffected by multiculturalism.

Fuck me till my eyeballs pop out, thugs who throw bricks at fucking mosques and face off against riot police might be ordinary in your neck of the fascist woods, but for the rest of us they’re a bunch of fucking racist, thunderously ignorant boneheads! Who’s responsible for educating them? You? And why the fuck were they throwing bricks at a mosque? The kid’s a Christian so even the thickest twat should know to throw bricks at a church instead! Britain’s strictest headmistress? Britain’s stupidest cow, more like!

Donald Trump lasted 35 minutes of a scheduled one-hour interview this week, during which he questioned vice president Kamala Harris’ racial heritage and objected to the ‘nasty tone’ of his interviewer. 

Ooh, the ‘nasty tone’. You are one weird, pouty, camp piece of fuck, aren’t you? ‘Nasty’! Coming from a bullying, racist Hitler wannabe like you that’s a bit fucking rich! You’re fucking rattled, aren’t you? Your brain is rotting through age and lifelong lack of use and you’re melting down by the fucking minute! By the end of the month, I swear you’ll be be nothing but an orange fucking puddle with a red tie and thatch of fucking combover floating in it! Still, loving the fucking poutiness! You’re going to be a popular prison bitch, that’s for fucking sure!

Steven van de Velde, the Dutch beach volleyball player allowed to compete at the Olympics despite having raped a 12-year-old girl, was greeted with a mix of boos and applause this week at his first match appearance.

Skewer my purple cock, applause? Who the fuck applauds a fucking convicted rapist? I mean seriously, who the twatting fuck? ‘Go on mate, good on you, don’t let the bastards grind you down!’ Tell you what, there’s a fucking microcosm of humanity right there – some people with basic, sentient, entry-level decency and some outright bewilderingly appalling cunts! 

Finally, Rachel Reeves has spoken of the ‘incredibly tough choices’ she will have to make as chancellor, saying there is a much larger hole in public finances than she had been led to believe.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, enough of this fucking farce that you sat down on your first day, opened the big Treasury book and were astonished to find deficit figures that have been known for fucking months! And enough with this fucking fiction that the fifth-richest country in the world can’t afford to feed hungry kids because there’s ‘no money’! As for ‘tough choices’, funny how they’re always tough on pensioners, the disabled and the underpaid, but not in the least bit tough on you and your fucking mates! Here’s an interesting ‘tough choice’: why don’t you fucking resign because you’re an economic incompetent who’s as much use to the country as a crocodile bite on my fucking scrotum!