Mash Blind Date: 'I'm four years older than him. That does not make me a cougar'

CAN 28-year-old Joe Turner and 32-year-old Joanna Kramer make it through a whole meal without this wild oversexed cougar banging him right there on the table? 

Joe on Joanna

First impression?

Not bad, nicely turned out, decent manners, cleavage glances reasonably discreet. I can overlook the incipient bald spot for that. 

How was conversation? 

Confusing. He kept referring to me as experienced and well-travelled, even though we hadn’t hooked up on Linkedin and he was initially unaware I’d done the Inca Trail. He also asked where I was on 9-11 and I explained I was in school, because I was nine. 

Memorable moments?

For me, it was the moment when he compared me to Jennifer Lopez who I don’t resemble, what with her being 23 years than I am and Latina. That was the moment of realisation that I’d been inappropriately plugged into a sexual fantasy that for me, realistically, would be role-play. 

Favourite thing about Joe? 

He’s solvent, he’s polite to waiters, he’s got a nice smile. However that’s sort of outweighed by his viewing the world through a lens of online porn. 

A capsule description? 

One more man who, laptop balanced and dick in hand, has decided to go out and chase his wanks out in the real world. Whatever the practical obstacles like us being only four years apart in age. 

Was there a spark? 

Pathetically there actually was. Even after he said ‘I bet you could teach me a few tricks’. Does he think I’m going to pull a string of silk scarves out of my fanny? 

What happened afterwards? 

He assumed I’d have to get back home to look after the kids I don’t have. We parted chastely, despite the red-hot cauldron of passion he was convinced lay concealed beneath my respectable exterior. 

What would you change about the evening? 

I would date a man whose penis was capable of simple sums. I was born in 1992. You were born in 1996. Do the f**king maths. 

Will you see each other again?  

I mean I’m not proud of myself but yeah probably. Better a fake cougar than all the older divorced men who keep swiping me. As a concession I’ll learn one trick. 

Joe on Joanna

First impression?

Gorgeous. Exotic, alluring and with a depth of worldly knowledge women my own age can’t come near. I was hard just offering her bread rolls. 

How was conversation? 

Like the opening of another world. She’s been everywhere and done everything. But as well as keeping herself looking remarkably youthful she’s actually up to date on modern culture. For example she’d heard of Ed Sheeran. 

Memorable moments?

When she took my hand and said ‘then I’ll have to show you’ and I almost went off in my pants. She was talking about making a chicken pot pie but that’s irrelevant. 

Favourite thing about Joanna? 

The wealth of erotic experience she holds as a woman reaching her sexual peak. She’s going to make this boy into a man. 

A capsule description? 


Was there a spark? 

Oh, absolutely. I even liked her. 

What happened afterwards? 

She managed to restrain her voracious sexual appetite, which impressed me, and we parted with no more than a kiss. But what a kiss. Smouldering and full of promise. 

What would you change about the evening? 

It irritated me she kept talking about the age gap between us being ‘insignificant’. Maybe to her, with her string of younger lovers, but certainly not to me. 

Will you see each other again?  

Without a doubt. We have to consummate this forbidden passion. And there’s no need for contraception because she’s post-menopause. 

Your astrological week ahead for October 4th, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

Thank god you came. Every single other video of Arsenal vs PSG has been deleted, but you were there with your phone. Everyone’s so grateful. It’ll go in the Ashmolean Museum.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

Want to feel old? Lou Bega just released Mambo Number 2,709.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

Geography lessons really overestimated the importance of correctly identifying an oxbow lake.

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

Sarcasm is only the lowest form of wit if you don’t count humorous chalkboard signs outside London pubs.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

Blow on that glass. Blow on it until it gets all misty. Well done, you’ve passed your level one NVQ in glassblowing.

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

I’ve got more than 100 bags for life. So I will never die.

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

Be fair, the BBC could put on one hell of a Nonce Season.

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

You should be able to do non-alcoholic drinks as shots. Two bites of toast followed by licking the slab of butter and downing the tea.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

“And this year’s award for most insincere sentence goes to ‘You did all these paintings yourself? I am surprised.’”

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

“Do you want Fry’s with that?” the BBC canteen used to quip, circa 1989, when you went down to collect Hugh Laurie’s lunchtime pizza. Halcyon days.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

“I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I’m all out of bubblegum, because a gang beat me up and stole it at the bus stop.”

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

A group of Germans gather around muttering, concerned, at the sight of a fallen umlaut.