How to pretend you're more sexually adventurous than you actually are

DEEP down, are you a monogamous ‘missionary will do’ kind of person, but want the world to think you’re sexually exciting? Here’s how to give the impression you’re less vanilla than you are. 

Drop vague references

Constantly hint at sexual encounters without any hard facts, eg. ‘Whoa, that time I was in Amsterdam…’ Let the listener fill in the hot sex, when actually you went to the Anne Frank museum. Keep mentioning these vague events and you’ll be on your way to creating your myth. Don’t worry about effectively lying – it’s not much more of a distortion of the truth than the average male conversation about number of conquests, attractiveness of exes, etc.

Fake discomfort

You can fake it in the bedroom, so why not at work? Make your colleagues wonder what you got up to last night by coming into the office with a waddle, perhaps even a limp. If anyone mentions it, breezily deny anything happened, but with a massive ‘saucy’ wink. Don’t overdo the funny walk though, or they’ll just assume you’re constipated. Ongoing bowel problems aren’t the sexiest rumour to have swirling around you. 

Spread risqué objects around your flat

‘Accidentally’ leave a few kinky objects around when you’ve got mates over. A crotchless thong hanging over the telly or a double-ended dildo poking out of a kitchen drawer is f**king weird, but they’re no use in their box on top of your wardrobe. If people aren’t getting the hint, lay it on even thicker – perhaps wear handcuffs throughout the whole evening, or use a couple of riding crops to serve the salad. Hopefully people will get the hint that you are sexually insatiable and not just ask if they’re dishwasher safe.

Choose friends you can be a sexual parasite to

Buddying up with a genuine sexpot and nodding along with their wild stories will give the impression you are one of them. People love vicarious sexual thrills, and your unadventurous friends will be so blown away by Hot Claire’s story about the hoover they’ll forget it wasn’t you who said it. Especially if you tell them it was you who said it. 

Cryptic social media posts

If you want to cast your net wider, popping a vague “#wildnight’ on social media is ideal. Perhaps followed by an aubergine emoji to make it bang-on-the-nose for your stupider friends. If anyone demands details, reply with something annoyingly coy like ‘Let’s just say I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night…’ Omit to mention this was because you were up late crying in front of The Bear while stuffing your face with malt loaf.

Sixty people paid £3 billion in income tax and we're meant to be f**king grateful

JUST 60 individuals, each earning at least £50 million a year, paid £3 billion in income tax and expect the rest of us to f**king thank them. 

The taxpayers, who are currently threatening to leave our heavily-indebted country which is struggling to fund basic public services because of Labour policies, are making regular appeals to public sympathy. 

Venal billionaire bastard Tom Booker said: “I don’t want to leave Britain. It’s my home. But, despite having more money than I could reasonably spend in a lifetime, I have no choice. 

“Why don’t people look at the tax I pay – a small percentage of my gross income, let alone all my funds salted away around the world – and thank me? And also they could bow? 

“Instead we have the politics of envy, voted in after only 14 years of me and my kind being allowed whatever we want. A slap in the face. We give you three billion and that’s what we get. Shameful. 

“No wonder we’re all planning to move to boring-as-f**k tax havens where there’s nothing to do but gamble, snort coke on yachts and sleep with each other’s mistresses.” 

Nathan Muir of Hitchin said: “I don’t know why I’m such an ungrateful wretch. Maybe it’s because I’m poor.”