A white home counties roadman swags him's gangsta birthday party

Fourteen-year-old Active J, known in his detached home as Joshua Hudson, is now 15, and has his crew round to celebrate

WAGWAN? Peng birthday to man, peng birthday to man, peng birthday Active J, peng birthday to man, innit.

In case you has been livin’ on da moon or sumfink, you will know it has been bossman Active J’s 15th birthday today. And man is grounded.

Man’s birthday started nang well, man got a whole new drip, innit: North Face, Air Force, ‘ugo Boss. All slightly different from current drip, but all boxfresh, which is wot counts, bruh.

Den parentdem paid for mandem crew to bust Maccy D’s for breakfast before school, an’ there might ‘ave been a food fight, an’ dickhead Drilla might ‘ave got too much ‘ash brown shoved up him’s nose, coz him got McDip on man’s Air Force. But it woz all chill cuz parentdem calmed down manager.

In da hafter school time, mandem crew came to Active J’s crib to do serious partyin’, bust gangsta rap, an’ be full-on badasses before dem’s ‘ad to be picked up at ten ho’clock.

Parentdem let Active J an’ mandem crew lay down street beats on da karaoke system in dem’s hentertainjng room in da hannex, behind da hindoor pool. But dem’s did not pay hattention to Active J’s rider for more Maccy D’s! Hinstead dey laid out bare platters of triangle sandwiches an’ da little chunks of cheese on da sticks. Rank, bruh!

Heveryfink woz swaggin’ nang, mandem crew woz chillin’ an’ keepin’ it real on da mezzanine. But just as Active J woz takin a big chug of him’s new fruity vape from leng gyal, Lady G, parentdem come in wiv a birthday cake, singin’ da ‘Appy Birthday to Joshua’ song!

Man woz gassed wiv da cake  in da shape of Jordan 1 trainers wiv strawberry laces as da laces an’ 15 candles, but Active J could not speak coz man woz holdin’ him’s vape fumes in. An’ then parentdem made man blow out him’s candles, innit. Oh, fam! It woz like man woz puttin’ out a fire wiv a CO2 hextinguisher. Dem woz so vexed.

So, Active J is grounded on him’s birthday, but mandem crew Snapchatted man from da hastroturf, eatin’ man’s trainer cake an’ singin’ ‘Peng birthday to Joshua’. Wastemans!

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Nanny state to take over your masturbation, says Labour

THE Labour party has confirmed the nanny state is to take over every aspect of your life, down to and including your self-abuse. 

The government yesterday announced it will be taking control of your diet, drinking, vaping, dentistry and onanism in a sweeping revolution, with the last subject to a 24-hour watchdog.

Health minister Wes Streeting, whose Ilford North constituents call him Wez Street ‘Ting, said: “For too long Britons have been tossing themselves off to whatever they like, however harmful.

“Whether borderline racist, avowedly misogynist or not updated since the 1990s, masturbation fantasies have been uncontrolled and deleterious to health. No more.

“From now on your wanking is controlled by quota according to region and restricted to a range of official fantasy scenarios. The days of Big Porn pushing users into unhealthy habits and unacceptable stepsister-based scenarios are over.

“Your schedule and fantasy will be sent to you by post. Follow it rigidly or expect a £1,000 statutory fine, with a £500 discount if paid within 14 days.”