THE chancellor has explained to the electorate that, just like with voting for lower immigration and Boris, they will not be getting exactly what they asked for.
Voters who awarded Labour a landslide majority to fix our degraded public services and pull Britain out of an economic nosedive have been informed there is bad news on both of those fronts.
Reeves said: “So, yeah. About the whole ‘getting potholes fixed and improving schools and stopping entire cities sliding into bankruptcy’ thing? That’s not going to happen.
“I know, I know, that’s why you voted for us. But unfortunately we have new priorities, like a trade war with the USA and a land war with Russia, that are overshadowing the little things somewhat.
“So instead of extra money to public services from your very high taxes, what we’ll be doing is cutting them. With an emphasis on any money going to the poor and vulnerable. Raise taxes? No, that’s a promise we can’t break, unlike these others.
“Yes, it is a bit similar to when you all backed Brexit and Boris to reduce immigration and then it went through the f**king roof, isn’t it? Try not to think about that. It’ll only get your blood pressure up and we’re low on paramedics, ambulances and hospital beds.”
Keir Starmer said: “Basically it’s fingers crossed for an out-of-nowhere economic miracle. Still, we’ve got five years.”