POLITICIANS and other twats have demanded everyone has the utmost respect for D-Day while shamelessly using it for their own purposes.
Various awful people see no problem in using the military operation that cost thousands of lives to promote themselves while being incredibly pompous about it.
Prime minister Theresa May said: “Without D-Day we would not have the freedom we have today. Did you read my tweets the Downing Street press office sent out? I am very patriotic.
“Also did you hear my D-Day speech that obliquely supported my Brexit deal? I don’t think that was in any way inappropriate.”
Daily Telegraph columnist Norman Steele said: “I’m using D-Day as the basis for another article about today’s young people. It’s titled ‘The snowflake generation would be hopeless against the Wehrmacht’.”
Plumber Roy Hobbs, 36, said: “Anyone who’s opposed to no-deal Brexit needs to think what it was like for those poor sods on the beaches fighting against a European superstate.
“That’s what it was about. I’ve read a lot of history books. Although by ‘history books’ I mean ‘Brexit Facebook pages’.”