Reeves to axe construction of £20 billion black hole

RACHEL Reeves will today announce she is axing the Conservatives’ vanity project of creating their own singularity for lack of funds. 

The £20 billion black hole, which was the brainchild of Liz Truss, was to be sited on the South Bank by the London Eye and was expected to amaze visitors with its gravitational strength from which not even light can escape.

The chancellor said: “You can have a mysterious cosmic body in the heart of the capital or you can see an NHS dentist. Not both.

“I regret that, groundbreaking as the black hole was to be, projected visitor numbers were inflated, the tourism potential of something you cannot see was overstated, tickets would have been £50 minimum and it may have destroyed the Earth.

“We are not willing to sanction another Millennium Dome. Perhaps in five years, when the country is no longer in the red, we could create a dwarf star in Manchester. I’m sorry but it’s all we can stretch to.”

Nathan Muir of Bermondsey said: “I was looking forward to that. It would have brought money in and sent Hawking radiation out. Labour has no vision.”

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Woman leading feminist lifestyle not doing so by choice

A WOMAN living her life as a proud, independent feminist who makes her own decisions and does her own DIY would prefer not to, she has confirmed. 

36-year-old Francesca Johnson has climbed the corporate ladder, pays her bills, can change a tyre and would love to have someone to help her out with all that boring bullshit.

She said: “I live a lifestyle the Suffragettes would have murdered for, but only because today’s men are f**kboys who leave dates claiming exhaustion as early as 6pm.

“As an advocate for female empowerment I can state that society is biased again single women, most notably me, and I would rather never have learned the difference between a Phillips and flathead screwdriver.

“I live alone, I sleep alone – having the whole bed to yourself means there’s no one to hear you cry – and I holiday alone. The alternative is having colleagues say ‘With your mother?’ in a tone normally used to ask someone if they’ve gone back to murdering hitchhikers.

“And yes, there are many nights out with the girls that are thrilling and emancipatory, until all the boyfriends and husbands arrive to pick them up and I have another regrettable one-night stand.

“I am a strong, confident, independent woman who does not need a guy. But I hope Darryl texts back.”