Badenoch and Jenrick to fall in far-right love

KEMI Badenoch and Robert Jenrick are, over the course of their leadership campaigns, to fall in beautiful far-right love.

The two finalists in the Conservative leadership contest are to spend the next three weeks provocatively moving further and further right until, eyes sparkling with transgressive xenophobia, they fall into each other’s arms.

A party spokesman said: “Robert needs to prove he’s more extreme than Kemi. But she matches every move he makes until they’re locked in a beautiful dance of fascism.

“He removes citizenship from anyone who can’t be traced back to the Domesday Book, she promises to make Ireland British again. He believes pensioners should be allowed to enslave the young, she hits back with imprisoning Welsh speakers. The attraction is undeniable.

“At a hustings they’re desperately trying to out-populist each other, shouting ever louder, drawing ever nearer until they’re face to face. When finally, right there before their blue-rinse audience, they kiss.

“Post-Johnson the members are fine with them both committing adultery. They lead the party as a couple, their bond all the stronger for their hate. Together they will tear down liberal Britain and make love in the burning ruins.”

He added: “Imagine their pillow talk about deregulating Nazi buses. So hot.”

How did a 51-year-old, ordinary-looking woman manage to get married? A Daily Mail investigation

HOW did Miranda Hart – a woman who looks nothing like Margot Robbie or Kate Middleton – manage to snare a man? Was foul play involved? The Mail attempts to unravel the mystery.

Her ‘husband’ does not exist 

This, sadly, is the most likely explanation. Due to having a career, Miranda has been left on the shelf and driven mad by loneliness. She’s probably made a grotesque life-sized dummy from clothes stuffed with newspapers and a bucket for a head, which she talks to using her acting skills to do both voices. We’d feel sorry for her but women have been warned this is where feminism gets you.

Mind control

We at the Mail have repeatedly told our readers that mind-control chips are real, so Miranda may have kidnapped a man and put one in his brain. Robbed of his free will, he is now forced to robotically act out the role of her husband, including unnatural things like binge-watching Emily in Paris

She used a fake picture on Tinder 

Miranda will have used a photo of a normal woman like Sydney Sweeney, then worn a balaclava whenever she met her future husband in person. By now he’ll be getting suspicious about her always claiming her face is cold, and it is only a matter of time before the deception is exposed. We can only hope Ms Hart is given a hefty prison sentence to deter other spinsters.

Her husband is a gold digger

We feel it is our moral duty to warn Miranda that she may have married a gold digger who is only interested in the billions she has earned from Miranda box sets and occasional appearances on HIGNFY. Check your joint account regularly and don’t sign any life insurance policies, Miranda. (Obviously hot young women marrying rich older men is genuine attraction because evolution has made them want to mate with the ‘king of the tribe’.)

She lied about her age 

Miranda will definitely have lied about how old she is, probably claiming to be an acceptable female age such as 32, but this is just storing up problems for the future. What happens when her husband in his middle-aged male prime wants to go out and live life to the full, but she’s a wizened old crone of 55, incontinent and confined to a mobility scooter? 

Her sense of humour has conquered all 

A good sense of humour is frequently cited as being attractive, and maybe as a professional comedian Miranda is so funny in real life – as opposed to in Miranda – that it compensates for her advanced years. Many men would question whether a sense of humour gets you anywhere except the Friend Zone, but maybe it’s different with women.


We hate to be negative about this joyous time in Miranda’s life, but blackmail is a strong possibility. Perhaps her husband has bodies stashed in secret locations, and the price of Miranda’s silence is marriage? Macabre, yes, but there is simply no other explanation for a woman in her 50s being attractive to men. Apart from Heidi Klum, who we’re obsessed with. She’s the exception who proves the rule, plus her teenage daughter is hot.