Six low-level bosses who wield their tiny amount of authority over you like fascist dictators

POWERLESS in their real lives, these wankers find their satisfaction in running a workplace like a Panzer Division. Which ones have bollocked you? 

The Technically Senior Colleague 

The rest of the office gives little or no regard to job titles. This person reminds you of his seniority at least three times a day. Opening an email with ‘Hi’ instead of ‘Dear’ will get you written up for disrespect. Any personal questions will be met with stony, suspicious silence. There is a groupchat dedicated to ripping the shit out of him, moderated by his boss.

The Bar Manager For Whom It Is Her Life

As desperately sad as it is that she clearly has no life whatsoever outside of her job and has shift rotas on the ceiling above her cold, empty bed, you still hate her and dream of unleashing a tirade of choice abuse. But she controls whether you get paid, so you never, ever will which she knows full well. It’s what keeps her warm at night.

The Waiter Who’s Worked There for 30 Years 

Still operating on food hygiene practices outlawed in 1989, this man will insist that you are and have been doing everything wrong since the day you started. Attempts to rectify this will be countered by a long-suffering sigh. Treats a failure to present a diner with the correct cutlery as everything wrong with society today.

The Boss’s Daughter 

Everyone knows why she’s in the job. She’s not senior. But nonetheless, when your boss is away, the mantle of hereditary authority falls on her shoulders and despite being younger than you and texting, vaping and drinking on the job, she must be treated with the utmost respect or she’ll tell her dad.

The Head Chef 

Not named after his rank but the size of his f**king ego. That stupid, f**k-off massive hat? All head underneath, and the only hat he can get to fit. All those lovely celebrity chefs on TV belie the dark underbelly of spud peeling. Nigella would never give you a six-minute bollocking for allowing a sticky toffee pudding to cool for an unacceptable 38 seconds.

The School’s Senior Leadership Team 

Not technically bosses, but a pack of bastards who get an honorary mention for beginning the toxic relationship between you and authority. Presumably hired after being laid off as prison warders, their obsession with alphabetical order, trouser length and walkie talkies would have been more suited to a WWII field marshal than a jumped-up lunch monitor.

All motorists always beeping and waving, assumes shit driver

A MAN believes the roads of the UK are packed with swearing, gesticulating red-faced motorists as he encounters so many every single day. 

Sedate, careful motorist Roy Hobbs, aged 67, makes several unnecessary journeys a day to a background of horns, shouts of ‘f**k off’ and hand movements indicating he is a wanker, as he assumes are everyone else’s.

He said: “Honestly, put a normal person with a placid disposition behind the wheel and they become a maniac. I wasn’t even going fast. 23mph and I know for a fact the limit’s 50.

“if it’s not the horn it’s flashing the lights or screaming something unintelligible out of the window as they go past. They want to watch their blood pressure if they’re reacting like that to someone who’s innocently reversing on a roundabout after missing their exit.

“What’s making today’s drivers so angry? It’s not like in 1972, when I passed my test in the Austin Allegro after a nerve-calming three pints of bitter. They’re all so volatile, doing emergency stops every time you pull out, beeping like crazy at traffic lights and waking me up.

“There must be loads of road rage fights. I haven’t got in any because I’m a peaceable individual but I’m always seeing someone chasing me screaming abuse and waving a Crooklock in my rear view mirror. I stay out of it.”

Fellow motorist Donna Sheridan said: “Poor Roy, innocently wandering roads packed with the perpetually furious, known to them all as ‘that f**king twat’.”