A COMPANY’S human resources department has emailed all employees asking them, while not saying it outright, not to black up.
The email went out to every member of staff at Cheltenham’s KCLS Accounting, reminding them of their responsibility to represent the company by not, for God’s sake, wearing any obviously racist costumes.
Client manager Tom Logan said: “It began by reminding us to drink responsibly and plan how we’d get home, then it was all ‘don’t do anything that could be construed as offensive’ and ‘what may have been fine 20 years ago is not today’.
“It strayed off into ‘observing each others’ boundaries’, but then crashed back into ‘respecting other cultures’ and ‘avoiding crossing certain lines’ and ‘what goes on social media is not private’.
“I thought it was a bit heavy-handed, to be honest. I mean, what kind of idiot would do that in this day and age? But I suppose they have to be sure.”
Managing director Martin Bishop said: “I haven’t read the email. I’m going to the do dressed as Lionel Richie. It’s going to be absolutely hilarious.”